dc.description.abstract | Smartphone market has grown rapidly since 2009, and smartphones are pretty widespread today in 2020. The mobile network technology commonly adopted has also changed from 2G to 5G, which is coming in 2020. The functions and performances of smartphones have been increased and improved, and the terminal equipment adopted by enterprises, which used to be conventional PCs and laptops, has also started to be replaced by mobile devices with higher portability. Besides continuous improvement of operating performance, enterprises may also adopt the concept and methods of mobility to improve existed operating procedures and to speed up processing time. Especially for tasks with complicated operating procedures, mobile commerce solutions can be introduced for the simplification of processes, which may improve efficiency, reduce costs and raise competitiveness. By utilizing the strength of being not limited by locations, enterprise mobility helps in improving the flexibility for system introduction.
The case in this study was a company that was indicative in domestic airline industry. Facing the issue of direct cross-strait transport and the competition of low-cost carriers, the case kept thinking about adopting IT technology and improving internal procedures and information system, with the hope to provide comprehensive safe flights and services for passengers. The improvement of oil volume control procedure has always been the target of case which needed to be adjusted. Sound oil volume control can improve aviation safety and reduce the consumption of oil and the time cost for relevant operations. Therefore, the case decided to introduce a mobility system for oil volume control in order to enjoy the effectiveness brought by oil volume control.
In this study, the introduction of real-time oil volume control mobility system by the case was investigated. The applied theory of diamond model proposed by Leavitt (1965) was adopted as the basis for analysis. In-depth investigation was conducted in the aspects of structure, task, technology and people, and the difficulties faced during the process of introduction and the responding measures taken were analyzed. After that, the effectiveness brought by the introduction was reviewed for the determination of the key successful factors in this case.
The results of analysis indicate that the introduction of real-time oil volume control mobility system had an indicative meaning for the case. The process of introduction matched the theory of diamond model, causing interrelated influence among the 4 aspects. If an enterprise would like to improve its existed procedure or solve problems in it by adopting the method of mobility, it is suggested that the diamond model with 4 major aspects should be adopted for analysis and comprehensive consideration in the very early stage of deciding responding measures and strategies in order to increase the chance of success for the introduction, which may finally bring effectiveness for the enterprise.
Keywords: Diamond Model, Enterprise Mobility, Key Success Factor | en_US |