博碩士論文 107454019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Ming Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract當前全球已逐步邁入全面數位化時代,產業正以數位科技進行經濟的創新(翻轉)事業活動,開創多元化的新型態經濟模式,不僅帶動著產業變革,也深深影響著整體國家經濟、社會之發展,更甚者影響了人類未來生活模式。以產業發展面觀之,數位科技帶來的創新經濟模式,帶動產業與消費者、競爭者和供應者之間,有著更多元的互動關係,顛覆了傳統產業價值鏈,同時也不斷衝擊著各國既有法規的框架,甚至超越現行法規之立法者,對於原本所欲管制的範疇與定義之想像。 本研究藉由數位經濟浪潮所帶來各式產業實務所面臨的法規課題,探討法規政策究應扮演何種角色?到底是法規持續修正而「與時俱進」?抑或先立於觀察者角色並給予創新活動一定期間之社會試驗,再思考是否有需要透過法規來「撥亂反正」?而政府政策又該如何「循循善誘」,鼓勵產業、企業與創新者大膽投入創新事業活動之餘,亦有可依循的體制,避免徒留創新風險之社會成本由國家收拾善後。 數位經濟之範疇廣泛,包括共享(分享)經濟、社群經濟、等類型,而本研究則聚焦於「平臺經濟」領域之進行探討,發現無論係行業別之定性、勞務關係之認定、保險風險之評估、稅務樣態之核定等問題,皆對既有產業體制與法規制度帶來不少衝擊,更迫使行政、立法機關苦思因應之道。然而,我國為成文法國家,又屬於雙重行政首長制之政府體制,以及權利分立之憲政體制,因此,「法律」如何跟上時代腳步、如何順應數位科技潮流、如何成為產業創新之助力,我國相較於歐美、日韓等國家,存在著先天體質的根本性困難。 近年來,許多國家引用「沙盒」的概念作為產業創新之導管,試圖在高度監管的政策或法規下,導引創新事業活動在合法、安全可控的環境下,可先落地試行,再讓行政、立法機關思考是否有需要、如何予以監督管理;然而,在我國推行沙盒政策上,即面臨了前述的根本性問題,縱然已有「金融監理沙盒」及「無人載具沙盒」等制度,但其與先進國家(如英、日等國)所強調以民間創新來帶動既有產業升級轉型之作法仍有所差異,更惶論尚無立法提供數位經濟、平臺經濟之沙盒制度,其產業與企業即得在更沉重的既有法規壓力下求得生存,同時也背負著可能隨時引爆的「不確定性法律風險」。 本研究除了嘗試為平臺經濟各項迫切的法規課題,提供法制調整建議之淺見外,也進一步觀察到數位創新或平臺經濟之業者,尤其是新創企業者,多屬中小企業規模,面對著創新的高風險,一旦營運模式無法生存於消費市場時,善者會善盡消費者及合作廠商之權益保障,但多數者則選擇直接消失退場,留下許多社會問題待善後;探其根本原因,可發現應是缺乏適切之退場機制提供予中小企業、新創企業,目前無論是破產法、公司法重整制度,皆僅有利於一定規模之上市櫃公司,因此導致經營不善的中小企業,最終選擇對自身營運「成本最低」之方式–直接兩手一攤、倒閉撤出,也不願留下可重新調整營運模式、重振經營的「轉寰餘地」。 創新,成功者可帶動著經濟與社會進步、促進產業與企業升級轉型,失敗者其實也為政府、產業界留下足供借鏡的經營歷程;國家,必須仰賴國內源源不絕的創新嘗試,始能產出源源對絕的經濟動能,培養出優秀企業與人才,而「支持創新的經濟政策」,及「友善且彈性的法規環境」,更如同基礎建設般重要;期盼,本研究能以淺薄之觀點,從我國產業發展脈落、實務法規障礙間,釐出足供參考之研究建議,以為國內投入數位創新經濟、平臺經濟之勇者(企業)們,善盡學術之貢獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWe have gradually entered the era of full digitalization, where industry is using digital technology to conduct innovative (flipped) economic activities and create a new diversified economic model. Full digitalization has not only driven industrial transformation but also profoundly affected how countries’ economies and societies develop and even how humanity will live in the future. From an industrial development perspective, the innovative economic model brought by digital technology has led to diversity in the interactions between industry and consumers as well as between competitors and suppliers, which has broken through the conventional industry value chain. Moreover, digitization is constantly challenging and even developing beyond the boundaries of the regulatory landscape established by the legislators. This study explores the role of legal regulations and policies, in the context of digitization, in various industry practices. It addresses the question of whether legal regulations should be revised constantly and continuously in accordance with the innovations or be revised, if necessary, only after innovative activities have undergone a period of experimentation. In addition, this study addresses how policy ought to guide and encourage industries, business, and innovators to boldly invest in innovative business activities, and whether there are systems for mitigating the social cost of innovation risks that can be emulated. The digital economy can be divided into a wide range of categories, including the sharing economy and community-based economy. This study focuses on the platform economy, and it argues that issues including the characteristics of industries, the employee–employer relationship, insurance risks, and tax patterns have all affected the industrial and governmental systems and put the administrative and legislative agencies in a difficult position to formulate solutions. However, Taiwan is a statutory country, and has a semi-presidential government and constitutional system with a separation of powers. Therefore, both stimulating industrial innovation and keeping the law up with the trend of the current era and digital technology have been fundamentally difficult for Taiwan compared with countries such as the United States, Japan, South Korea and those in Europe. In recent years, many countries have adopted the concept of a sandbox as a guidance for industrial innovation in an attempt to experiment innovative business activities in a legal, safe, and controllable manner in the highly regulated environment. Such experimentation allows governments and businesses to consider the necessity and how to monitor and manage the innovation. However, the aforementioned fundamental problems are still encountered when the sandbox is implemented. Despite the use of sandboxes such as the Financial Regulatory Sandbox and Unmanned Vehicle Sandbox, the sandbox’s use in Taiwan is different for its use in advanced countries (e.g., United Kingdom and Japan) that prioritize private innovation in promoting the upgrading and transformation of existing industries. Moreover, no legislation has yet been formulated to govern a sandbox system for digital and platform economies; industries and businesses in these economies must survive under the pressure of existing regulations while enduring legal risks from an uncertain regulatory landscape. This study not only furnishes suggestions regarding regulatory flexibility in those urgent regulatory issues surrounding the platform economy but also analyzes the conduct of digital innovation among platform economy operators. In particular, start-ups in the platform economy are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that face high innovation risks. If their business models cannot survive in the consumer market, most will choose to exit the market, leaving various social problems in their wake—although some SMEs will try their best to protect the interests of cooperative manufacturers and their consumers. This study determines the root cause of these social problems to be the lack of an appropriate exit mechanism for SMEs and start-ups. At present, the Bankruptcy Act and the Company Act reorganization system are only beneficial to listed companies of a sufficiently large scale. Consequently, poorly managed SMEs eventually chose to exit the market at the lowest cost, closing down their business and being reluctant to readjust their business models. The winners of innovation drive progress in a country and transformation and upgrading of an industry; the losers, on the other hand, leave a cautionary tale for government and industry. A country must rely on continual domestic innovation for consistent economic momentum and the cultivation of excellence in industry. An economic policy that has regulatory flexibility in support of innovation is as crucial as infrastructure. This study furnishes prescriptions for industrial development in Taiwan and elucidates the regulatory obstacles involved; it also contributes to the businesses investing in digital innovation economy and the platform economy.en_US
DC.subjectDigital Economyen_US
DC.subjectPlatform Economyen_US
DC.subjectBankruptcy Acten_US
DC.subjectRegulatory Flexibilityen_US
DC.subjectExit Mechanismen_US
DC.subjectInnovative Regulatory Sandboxen_US
DC.titleRegulations for the Digital Innovation Economy: Focusing on the Platform Economyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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