博碩士論文 107457017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHung-Wei Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣半導體產業發展至今已60餘年,迄今已在全球半導體產業中佔有一席之地,但面臨變化快速的時代,各家企業也須隨時提升自身能力以應付這不斷變動、創新的時代,因此如何實施教育訓練來提升員工的能力以維持競爭優勢便是各家企業一項重要的課題。 而個案公司也特別重視公司新人訓練,因此針對公司重點核心單位規劃設計一系列為期兩個月的新人訓練課程,課程內容涵蓋材料、品質、產品及製程等專業知識,其目的在於讓新人能迅速的掌握專業基本知識使其未來於承接工作業務時能縮短上手時間,此外也希望透過該制度能減輕單位人員訓練負擔並縮短新人訓練週期。 因此本研究主要探討個案公司核心單位─客戶工程整合部門之新人訓練訓練有效性是否符合當初所創立的目標。而本次研究採用新柯氏學習評估模式(The New World Kirkpatrick Model)及透過半結構式訪談法針對受訓學員9位、單位主管4位,共13位進行訪談。後續彙整訪談結果進行重點分析,並歸納相同及相異點後使用新柯氏學習評估模式(The New World Kirkpatrick Model) 從成果、行為、學習、反應四層次分別進行相關佐證及訓練有效性之論述。 本次研究結果如下: 1.該訓練制度對於實務工作面運用上具有顯著成效。 2.該訓練制度對於單位具有實質效益,其效益包含訓練資源整合、減輕單位資 深人員工作負擔、統一教學、降低人員招募之困難。 3.可縮短新人訓練週期,透過該制度可減少四個月的訓練期。 關鍵字:新進人員、訓練成效、訓練評估zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan’s semiconductor industry has been developing for more than 60 years and occupied the leading position in the global semiconductor industry. However, faced with rapid change, companies must recognize the need to continuously increase employees’ skills to cope with volatility and innovative era. It is an important subject for companies to sustain competitive advantages by improving employees’ competency. The company also pays attention to the new employee training from this case, so it designs a series of two-month training courses for the core department. The course includes professional knowledge such as materials, quality, products, and process. The goal is to let new employee quickly masters the basic knowledge that will help to shorten the hands-on time in the future when undertaking work. Besides, this training course can reduce the training burden of team members and shorten the training period for the new employee. This study focuses on the training effectiveness of new employees from the customer engineering integration department and uses The New World Kirkpatrick Model and the semi-structured interview method to interview a total of 13 interviewees include 9 trainees and 4 supervisors. Follow-up analysis of the interview results to summarize the same and different points by using The New World Kirkpatrick Model to discuss relevant evidence and training effectiveness from the four levels of achievement, behavior, learning, and reaction. The summary: 1. The training system has a significant effect on the work performance. 2. The training system has substantial benefits for the department, and its benefits include the integration of training resources, reducing the workload of senior employee, and reducing the difficulty of recruitment. 3. The training period for new employee can be reduced by four months through this training system. Keywords: new employees, training effectiveness , training evaluationen_US
DC.subjectnew employeesen_US
DC.subjecttraining effectivenessen_US
DC.subjecttraining evaluationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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