博碩士論文 107727006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTing-Chun Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract傳播媒體為傳遞訊息之重要媒介,在科技發展之下,閱聽人觀看影片之媒介管道愈趨多元,從過往之電視文化,漸轉變為網路文化,進入到多屏幕及數位匯流時代,YouTube是近來閱聽人較關注之傳播媒介,除了原先製播影片的電視頻道,亦加入許多個人用戶創作並上傳影片內容,再透過YouTube傳遞給閱聽人。其中,「狠愛演」以身為客家人之族群身分,製作客家相關內容影片,尤以自創客家歌曲類別表現最佳,本研究以該類文本為個案進行初探型研究。 探究媒體形式之轉變對文本之影響與限制為何?以YouTube作為傳播媒體之特色,以及「狠愛演」與客家傳播「客家電視」在YouTube經營策略與成效之差異。其中,針對「狠愛演」自創客家歌曲系列影片文本,分析其所欲傳達之客家文化意象。再者,YouTuber創作之客家相關文本內容,與族群媒體、客家傳播和閱聽人又會呈現何種關係?對傳播或傳承客家語言及文化會造成哪些影響? 針對選定之YouTube影片創作者「狠愛演」為個案,進行初探型研究,運用文本分析法,輔以網路民族誌等質化研究方法,探討自創客家歌曲系列影片文本,以及蒐集閱聽人觀看影片之後的留言回應,進而分析影片中所包含與客家相關之意象,與閱聽人對於影片融入客家元素的反應。同時藉由追蹤YouTube數據變化的網站,比較「狠愛演」與客家傳播之頻道效益,再以YouTube經營策略探討其頻道表現。除了以文本及頻道所提供之資料進行分析以外,亦利用焦點團體訪談法,更深入地了解閱聽人對於影片文本之感受,以及對於客家傳播之看法。 研究發現,變化中的媒體與文本與過往族群媒體或客家傳播之表現方式不同,「狠愛演」透過另類且混搭饒舌風格之方式傳播客家文化,成效表現較過往客家傳播更佳,若透過合作方式傳播客家文化,可能提高影片成效。閱聽人端之反饋亦提出此類型影片,讓客家成為生活中的日常,突破以往客家歸客家的媒體框架,透過愈趨多元的YouTube頻道,分別製作與客家相關內容之影片,使閱聽人不只從客家傳播管道接觸客家,而是從不同媒介中接收到多元之客家文化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe media is an important medium for transmitting messages. Under the development of technology, the media channels for audience to watch videos are becoming more and more diversified, from TV culture, network culture, to the era of multi-screen and digital convergence. YouTube is a media that has attracted more attention from audience recently. In addition to the TV channels that originally produced videos, many individual users have also upload videos to audience through YouTube. “J.A.M.” makes Hakka-related videos by personal experience, especially the Hakka songs category is the most popular type, taking “J.A.M. Hakka songs” for an example to do an exploratory study. Discuss the following questions: 1.The impact and limitations of the changes in media format on the text? 2.The feature of YouTube and the difference between “J.A.M.” and “Hakka TV” channels, business strategy and effectiveness. 3.Textual analysis of the “J.A.M. Hakka songs” videos. Analyze the Hakka cultural image. 4.What kind of relationship does Hakka-related text created by YouTubers have with ethnic media, Hakka communication, and audience? What impact will it has on communicating or inheriting Hakka language and culture? Take “J.A.M. Hakka songs” for an example to do an exploratory study. Use text analysis, supplemented by cyber ethnography and other qualitative research methods, discuss the Hakka songs video texts, and collect feedbacks of audience, then analyze the image related to Hakka contained in the film, and the reaction of the audience to the Hakka songs. At the same time, by tracking YouTube′s data, compare the effectiveness of the channels of "J.A.M." and “Hakka TV”, and then use YouTube′s business strategy to discuss channel evaluation. In addition to analyzing the text and the information provided by the channel, it also uses the method of focus group interview to know the feelings of audience about the text and their views on Hakka communication. The results of the study are that the changing media and texts are different from the past ethnic media or Hakka communication. "J.A.M." spreads Hakka culture through alternative and mixed rap styles. If different Hakka communication cooperate to spread Hakka culture may improve the effectiveness. Feedbacks from audience also suggested that this type of text makes Hakka daily life as usual, breaking through the media framework of Hakka communication. Through more and more YouTube channels produced videos related to Hakka, not only contacting Hakka culture from Hakka communication channels, but also receiving diverse Hakka culture from different media.en_US
DC.subjectethnic mediaen_US
DC.subjectHakka communicationen_US
DC.subjectHakka songsen_US
DC.titleAlternative Hakka Communication? Take "J.A.M. Hakka Songs" for Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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