博碩士論文 107728003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChen-Yung Loen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文《海陸客家話音韻特色的接觸比較研究──以臺灣、中國潮惠地區、西婆羅洲為例》共分五章,第一章緒論主要闡述研究動機與目的,文獻探討部分,先簡單介紹臺灣、中國潮惠地區、西婆羅洲三地的海陸客家話相關文獻,再來則是和方言語言接觸與演變的文獻分析,最後針對其他相關研究理論與方法進行介紹,並且也明確指出本研究將使用的研究方法分別為「文獻分析法」、「田野調查法」、「共時比較法」、「歷時比較法」、「地理資訊系統(GIS)應用與分析法」。   第二章則針對臺灣、中國潮惠地區、西婆羅洲的海陸客家話進行更詳盡的介紹,包含了原鄉的語言分布,移民居地的語言分布以及使用人口,並針對共通的音韻系統以聲母、韻母、聲調為單位的方式分別介紹,以表格呈現,個別的特色則以條列式分點列出。   第三章分析了臺灣、中國潮惠地區、西婆羅洲聲、韻母內部的差異以及演變的過程,聲母部分,筆者分析了見曉組的影、云、以母實際音值,精知莊章組讀音的實際音值差異,以及個別特殊字音的聲母比較,包含了「鎮」、「貓」、「事」三字。韻母的比較方面,筆者分析了遇攝一等與三等在臺灣、中國潮惠地區、西婆羅洲的讀音差異由來,以及合口介音的去留比較,並透過與畲話、東江本地話的外部比較分析了主要元音o、a分布的可能差異來由。最後也針對部分個別特殊字音的韻母進行比較,包含了「話」、「國」、「柿」、「名詞詞綴」等等,這些分析的過程都搭配了地理分布與語言接觸的理論作為輔助。   第四章將臺灣、中國潮惠地區、西婆羅洲海陸客家話的聲調調值透過平山久雄教授「聲調環流說」進行分析,除了探究海陸客家話內部調值差異的由來,也透過與龍華小片客家話的比較,擬測了海陸客家話今日聲調的七調格局的可能源頭。   第五章為結論,除了將二到四章的內容進行統整之外,也將這些分析的結果應用到方言的區分與地區分片上。筆者重新確立了中國潮惠原鄉「海陸片」客家話的分片依據基礎,並且也將內部分小片的名稱修訂,舊稱的「河田小片」改為「陸揭小片」,「新田小片」改為「普豐小片」,以求更符合今日的行政區劃與實際語言分布代表性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis The Language Contact Comparative Study of the Hǎilù Hakka Dialect’s Phonological Characteristics - Take Taiwan, China′s Chao-Hui Region, and West Borneo as Examples is divided into five chapters. The first chapter Introduction mainly elaborates the motivation, purpose, literature discussions, and research methods. In the first part of the literature discussions, it briefly introduces the relevant literature of Hǎilù Hakka dialects in Taiwan, the Chao-Hui region of China, and West Borneo. (Hereinafter referred to as The THREE.) The second part is about the contact and evolution of other dialects and languages. The third part is introducing other related research theories and methods, which are Document Analysis, Fieldwork, Synchronic Comparison, Diachronic Comparison, and Geographic Information System (GIS) Application and Analysis Method. The second chapter introduces the Hǎilù Hakka dialects of The THREE in more detail, including the language distribution and population of the original residences and immigration residences. It also presents the common phonological system (initials, rhymes, tones) in a table. The individual characteristics are listed by points. In the chapter 3, we analyze the internal differences and evolution process of The THREE’s initials and rhymes. In the part of initials, it not only clarifies the actual sound value of the Yǐng (影), Yún (云), Yǐ (以) of the initials Jìen, Xiǎo groups (見曉組) but the Jīng, Zhī, Zhuāng, Zhāng groups (精知莊章組). The other part of initials analysis presents comparison of the initials of individual special characters, including Zhèn (鎮, town), Māo (貓, cat), Shì (事, the thing to do). On the side of the rhymes comparison, we analyze the difference origins of division 1 and 3 (一、三等) of the rime Yù Shè (遇攝) and compared the existence of the medial “-u-” of The THREE. We used Shē Huà (畲話) and Dōng Jiāng Běndì Huà (東江本地話) as external comparison templates to find out the cause of the differences in the vowels “-o-”, “-a-” ‘s distribution (the vowels of division 1 and 2) in the syllable. In the final part of this chapter, we also compare the rhymes of some individual special characters, including Huà (話, the words or dialects), Guó (國, country), Shì (柿, persimmon), and the noun affix (仔). The process of analysis is supplemented by Geographic Information System and theories of language contact. The fourth chapter use Hirayama Hisao (平山久雄)’s Tone Circulation Theory (聲調環流說) to analyze the tones of The THREE. Not only to explore the cause of the Hǎilù Hakka dialect’s tone differences, we also compare The THREE and Lúnghúa Hakka dialects sub-group (龍華小片客語), which help us find out the possible origins of Hǎilù Hakka dialect’s “7 tones” tone system. The final chapter is Conclusion. We have organized the focus of the previous chapters, apply these findings to the distinction basis between dialects and delineation of dialect area. We also re-establish the basis of internal classification of Hǎilù Hakka dialect in Chao-Hui region of China, revise the names of the varieties of it. The past “Hétián cluster”(河田小片) renamed “ Lùjiē cluster” (陸揭小片); the past “Xīntián cluster” (新田小片) renamed “Pǔfēng cluster” (普豐小片), which are more in line with today’s administrative divisions and actual distribution.en_US
DC.subjectHǎilù Hakka Dialecten_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Hakka Languageen_US
DC.subjectSouth-East Asia Hakka Languageen_US
DC.subjectLanguage Contact Comparisonen_US
DC.subjectLanguage Contacten_US
DC.subjectGeographic Information Systemen_US
DC.titleThe Language Contact Comparative Study of the Hǎilù Hakka Dialect’s Phonological Characteristics - Take Taiwan, China′s Chao-Hui Region, and West Borneo as Examplesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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