博碩士論文 107757025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLiang-Chun Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract六堆運動會與客家族群意識之研究 摘要 本研究旨在了解六堆運動會的發展型態,隨著客家族群意識之強弱而調整 與應變情形,因此,本研究之目的有三項:一、從六堆運動會的發展歷程探究 民間主導之傳統運動會、地方主導之傳統運動會、中央與地方協力之六堆運動 會。二、探討舉辦六堆運動會在中央介入前與介入後,對客家族群認同、文化 傳承與選手培養之差異。三、從六堆運動會的發展歷程探討年輕族群參與的傳 統與創新策略。本研究透過文獻資料及深度訪談當地參與六堆運動會之相關人 士,梳理出六堆運動會各階段之發展脈絡,以及中央的介入對族群認同、文化 傳承、選手培養與年輕族群參與是否有所提升?研究結果,首先,六堆運動會 發展歷程具有四個特色:承辦者、活動型態與內容、資金來源、體育賽事項目 等之轉變。其次,中央介入前後之六堆運動會:族群認同方面,顯示民間主導 時期最高;文化傳承方面,中央與地方協力時期表現有待提升;選手培養方面, 中央與地方協力時期,無選手培養,但研擬提高運動會層級,爭取符合國家正 式比賽規格之計畫;運動會誘因不足,年輕人參與意願仍然偏低。最後,討論 六堆運動會目前所面臨之困境,經由相互分析與比較之後,歸納出結論與建議。 關鍵詞:族群意識、文化傳承、六堆運動會、客家節慶活動zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLiudui Sports Game and the Ethnic Identity of Hakka People ABSTRACT This research aims to understand the development pattern of the Liudui Sports Game that was influenced by Hakka people’s increased awareness of their ethnic identity. The purpose of this research is threefold: first, to compare the differences among folk-led games, the local government-led games, and the games that were coordinated by the central and local governments; second, to investigate the transformations in Hakka people’s awareness of their ethnic identity, cultural heritage and athlete training program after the involvement of the central government; and third, new approaches towards the games and the participation of younger generation. Based on literature and in-depth interviews with local people who have participated in the Liudui Sports Game, this study sorted out the development context of each stage of the game. The effects on self-awareness of ethnic identity, cultural heritage, athlete training program, and participation of the younger generation as a result of the central government involvement were examined as well. Results revealed that there were four significant changes in the Liudui Sports Game through the years, including the main organizers, the activities and content, the source of funds, and the sports events. Besides, participants had a higher level of ethnic identity before the government involved in the game. When the games were organized by the local and central governments together, however, the sense of cultural heritage gradually declined, and there was no proper training plan for the athletes. Some discussions about raising the competition level to meet the national standard were made during the game, but nothing special came out of them. Finally, this thesis will discuss the current dilemma of the Liudui Sports Game and provide recommendations to rectify the shortfalls. Keywords: Ethnic identity, cultural heritage, Liudui Sports Game, Hakka festivalsen_US
DC.subjectEthnic identityen_US
DC.subjectcultural heritageen_US
DC.subjectLiudui Sports Gameen_US
DC.subjectHakka festivalsen_US
DC.titleLiudui Sports Game and the Ethnic Identity of Hakka Peopleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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