博碩士論文 108126005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSzu-Yu Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在透過臺北城市的歷史發展與圖像文獻史料的多樣性,建構臺北城市的景觀脈絡,並以攝影家的視角審視臺北城市,探討在政權轉移的時代背景下社會、文化與攝影之間的關係。本論文以展覽圖錄的形式展現,包含五個章節及其相關作品圖錄,觀察臺北城市的歷史發展及相關時代影像。藉由攝影和繪畫等不同視覺媒介中所構築及強調的現代化城市景觀與近郊鄉村,探究日治時期至1950年代影像中的臺北人生活風貌。 第一章首先討論臺北歷史進程,在清末如何藉由貿易通商帶動北臺灣的發展,以及在日治時期如何在都市規劃的背景下,逐漸轉換為現代化都市的樣貌。第二章則綜覽日治時期寫真帖、繪葉書及繪畫,藉由這些不同的媒材,展現理想、現代化的臺北城市景觀。第三章由生活於臺北的攝影家所拍攝的照片,鏡頭捕捉臺北時人進行的日常生活及休閒活動,動感活潑的視覺風格描繪出生機蓬勃的臺北。第四章討論帶有濃烈軍國色彩的臺灣影像,因進入戰時體制且受國策寫真所影響,民間攝影家也開始配合政治宣傳,拍攝並記錄軍演、入伍宣傳、傷亡等影像,真實還原戰爭時期下的臺北樣貌。第五章以新聞影像資料作為參考,一覽臺北街頭歡慶臺灣光復及發生二二八事件的場景,戰後初期的攝影活動也在文化單位的推廣下逐漸興盛,影像展現了恢復生機的臺北城市生活。 臺北城市自日本殖民統治時期被選定為殖民地首都以來,不僅成為一座現代化都市,也成為臺灣重要的發展標誌。經過規劃的都市空間與逐步建設的公共設施為人們提供便利的生活方式,也使其成為政治、商業、文化發展的重要匯集場域。本論文之作品圖錄由不同子題進行編排,以日治時期及中華民國政府接管後的臺北,分別展示不同政權下的臺北城市和近郊影像。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to construct the context of Taipei′s urban landscape through the historical development of Taipei City and the diversity of image archives, literature, and historical materials. The thesis explores the relationship between society, culture, and photography of Taipei City in the era of political transition from the perspective of photographers. Presented in the form of an exhibition catalog, containing five chapters and a selection of related photographic images, this study analyzes the historical development and related images of Taipei city from the late nineteenth century to the mid twentieth century. Through the modernized cityscapes and surrounding rural areas constructed and emphasized in different visual media of photography and painting, this study explores the ways of life of Taipei residents in photography produced during the period from the Japanese colonial rule to the 1950s. The first chapter begins with a discussion of the historical progress of Taipei, demonstrating how the development of Northern Taiwan was driven by trading and commerce in the late Qing Dynasty, and how it was gradually transformed into a prototype of the modern city during the context of urban planning under the Japanese colonial rule. In the second chapter, the photo albums, Ehagaki postcards, and paintings related to Taipei during the period of Japanese colonial rule were surveyed. Through these different media, Taipei City was portrayed as an ideal modern urban landscape. The third chapter discusses the photographs taken by photographers who lived in Taipei; their works represented people’s daily lives and leisure activities in Taipei in a vibrant and lively visual style. In the fourth chapter, I study the photographic images of Taipei with strong military overtones. During the wartime, civil photographers cooperated with political propaganda for the government under the influence of nationalistic photography policy and documented military exercises, enlistment publicity, and casualties that revealed the real wartime Taipei. In the fifth chapter, the news photographs were used as references to inspect the scenes celebrating the liberation of Taiwan and the aftermath of the February 28 incident (also called the 228 massacre) in the streets of Taipei. The photography organization activities in the early post-war period also gradually flourished under the promotion of the cultural bureau, and the images display the revitalized and enlivened urban life of Taipei. Taipei City, after being chosen as the colonial capital during the period of Japanese colonial rule, not only became a modern city but also an important icon of progressive development in Taiwan. The planned urban space and gradually constructed public facilities of Taipei City have provided a convenient lifestyle for people, and also made the city an important field converging the political, commercial, and cultural development. The exhibition catalog in this study is organized under different sections, demonstrating the transformation of Taipei city and suburbs under different regimes from the Japanese colonial rule to the takeover by the Republic of China government.en_US
DC.subjectTaiwan photographyen_US
DC.subjectStreet photographyen_US
DC.subjectArchitectural photographyen_US
DC.subjectFolk photographyen_US
DC.subjectShinko Shashin (New Photography)en_US
DC.subjectModern cityen_US
DC.titlePhotography of Taipei City from the Japanese Colonial Period to the 1950s: An Exhibition Catalogueen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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