博碩士論文 108225021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Jen Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractEarly clinical trials for molecular target agents (MTA) cancer research aim to estimate the optimal biological dose (OBD) that gives the largest efficacy probability while remaining the dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) probability less than the target toxicity probability (TTP). Two-stage designs are considered in this thesis for the early phase clinical trials. In the first stage, either the CRM or Keyboard design is used to adaptively assign doses to patients based on the binary toxicity responses. The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and hence doses with acceptable toxicity or the acceptable doses are tentatively determined. In the second stage, cohort trials are employed where the endpoint of interest is the progression-free survival (PFS) time and the efficacy is then evaluated as the survival function at the median PFS time of previous medication. During each cohort trial in the second stage, the intersection-union test is used to screen the acceptable doses with efficacy less than one half. Therefore, the clinical trial is early terminated if the lowest dose is too toxic or all the acceptable doses are ineffective. Otherwise, a tentative OBD is identified to be the lowest dose that maintains the highest efficacy among the acceptable doses. The OBD and acceptable doses adjacent to the OBD are then randomly assigned in balance to the next cohort of patients. When the maximum number of patients is reached, the OBD and the effective biological dose (EBD) as the acceptable dose with efficacy within 5% to the OBD are identified based on all the available toxicity responses and PFS times is also estimated. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the operating characteristics of the two-stage designs over a variety of scenarios of toxicity and efficacy probabilities. The simulation results show that the two-stage designs maintain reasonably on the over-toxic dose assignment and identify efficiently on the EBD selection.en_US
DC.subjectearly clinical trial designen_US
DC.subjecttwo-stage designen_US
DC.subjectoptimal biological doseen_US
DC.subjecteffective biological doseen_US
DC.subjectprogression free survival timeen_US
DC.title根據毒性反應與疾病無惡化存活時間 建立之早期臨床試驗設計zh_TW
DC.titleEarly clinical trial designs based on toxicity response and progression-free survival timeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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