博碩士論文 108323107 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSheng-Jun Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在光學產業中,射出成型在塑膠光學元件的應用非常普遍,有關光學元 件之模具設計、成型分析、製程參數設定等,模流分析可以提供很有效的幫 助。近年來,由於光學產品精度的要求日益增高,對於模流分析準確率的要 求也隨之提升。網格建構影響模流分析結果甚鉅,雖然模流分析軟體已提供 半自動方式的網格建構方法,然而使用的網格以四面體或 BLM 網格(表層 六面體、內層四面體網格)為主,對於塑料流動狀況的模擬仍非很準確。因 此,本研究的目的以手動方式探討網格搭建對於模流分析的影響,以光學套 筒與光學鏡片之模流分析為範例。前者以流道之流動不平衡現象的探討為 主,透過混合式網格的搭建,正確模擬流道之流動不平衡,並與 BLM 網格 之模擬結果比較。後者以鏡片流動波前模擬之探討為主,探討不同混合式網 格之組合,對於流動波前模擬之影響,並以三種不同輪廓形狀之光學鏡片, 分別建立合適之網格建構模式。本研究分別使用三種光學套筒與三個光學 鏡片之短射成型成品,用以確認所擬混合式網格建構方法的可行性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn optical industry, injection molding is commonly used for the manufacturing of plastic optical components. Mold flow analysis (MFA) can help the mold design, process analysis and parameter setting in injection molding. As the demand on the quality of optical components is increased, so is the accuracy required in mold flow analysis. In mold flow analysis, a CAD model must be converted into solid meshes first. Although semi-automatic mesh generation modules are available in MFA software, most of the meshes are tetrahedral or BLM types, which are not accurate enough for the application in optical industry. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study the feasibility of applying hybrid meshes to improve the mold flow analysis for two kinds of optical components, including optical sleeves and optical lens. For optical sleeves, the primary goal is to study the flow imbalance on runners. A hybrid mesh combining hexahedral and BLM meshes is employed to truly model the flow imbalance on the runner, if it exists. The result is compared with that using pure BLM mesh, demonstrating that the proposed hybrid mesh is better than BLM mesh. For optical lens, the primary goal is to model the wave front of the flow during the injecting stage. A mesh generation method is proposed to generate hybrid meshes for different kinds of optical lens. To verify the accuracy of the proposed meshing method, three optical sleeves and three optical lens are individually studied. The short shot of each component is compared with the result of mold flow analysis, which demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed meshing method for each case.en_US
DC.subjectInjection moldingen_US
DC.subjectMold flow analysisen_US
DC.subjectHybrid meshen_US
DC.subject, Optical productsen_US
DC.title實體網格建構對於塑膠光學元件模流分析 之影響探討zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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