博碩士論文 108421051 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTing-Jung Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來環保議題逐漸受到大眾的重視,除了環境的倡議外,漸漸的已從食、衣、住、行各個層面開始展開,企業也開始提出解決方案,給消費者更多友善的選擇。美妝保養品是大多數人生活中重要卻不會被第一個想到的產品,因為美妝保養品會直接接觸皮膚,在無論是成分的選擇、製程、包裝皆須受到嚴密的管控,因此美妝保養品的永續生產消費開始受到社會的注意。本研究旨在透過區隔分析,探討消費者對於永續美妝保養品消費態度及動機對於購買行為的影響,並從三個面向切入:人口統計變數區隔、永續態度及購買動機區隔分析以及消費者區隔分析。由結果發現人口統計變數對於永續美妝保養品消費金額,在性別、年齡、地區差異性不大,因此較建議使用個人年所得及家庭年所得將消費者分群,或是依據永續美妝保養品的態度、動機及購買意願分群。透過消費者區隔分析發現,年所得較高的族群並非有最高的購買態度及購買意願,但相對家庭年所得的高低,仍然會影響永續美妝保養品的消費購買意願。本研究希冀能提供業者對於消費者區隔不同的思考面向,並對於產品能夠有更清楚的客群定位、制定不同的行銷策略。 關鍵字:永續美妝保養品、永續態度、區隔分析、集群分析zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, environmental protection issues have gradually attracted the attention of the public. In addition to environmental initiatives, they have gradually begun to start at all levels around our lives. Enterprises have also begun to propose solutions to give consumers more friendly choices. Cosmetics products are important products in most people’s lives, but they will not be the first product that comes to mind. Cosmetics products directly touch the skin, they must be strictly controlled in terms of ingredient selection, manufacturing process, and packaging. The sustainable production and consumption of cosmetics products has begun to attract social attention. This research aims to explore the impact of consumer attitudes and motivations towards sustainable cosmetics products on purchasing behavior through segmentation analysis, and cut into three aspects: demographic variables segmentation, sustainability attitudes and purchase motivation segmentation analysis and consumer segmentation analysis. From the results, it is found that the demographic variables for the consumption amount of sustainable cosmetics products are not very different in gender, age, and region. Therefore, it is recommended to use personal annual income and family annual income to divide consumers into groups, or according to sustainable cosmetics. The attitude, motivation and willingness to buy sustainable cosmetics products are divided into groups. Through consumer segmentation analysis, it is found that ethnic groups with higher annual income do not have the highest buying attitude and willingness to buy, but relative to the annual income of the family, it will still affect the consumption and purchase intention of Cosmetics products. This research can provide the industry with different thinking about consumer segmentation, and can have a clearer customer positioning for the product and formulate different marketing strategies. Keyword:Sustainable cosmetics products, Sustainable awareness, Segmentation analysis, Cluster analysisen_US
DC.subjectSustainable cosmetics productsen_US
DC.subjectSustainable awarenessen_US
DC.subjectSegmentation analysisen_US
DC.subjectCluster analysisen_US
DC.titleSegmentation analysis of sustainable cosmetics consumption behavioren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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