博碩士論文 108423052 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMei-Hui Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著線上至線下電子商務模式 (Online-to-offline, O2O)的快速崛起,大幅度地改變 顧客的消費模式。由於顧客會在多個通路與企業進行互動,則顧客旅程中不同接觸點的 掌握變得比以往變得更為複雜,故服務提供者應該在管理顧客體驗上付出更多的心力。 然而,並非所有的服務提供者皆有足夠的資源與能力來導入此商業模式。線上旅遊代理 商 (online travel agencies, OTAs)的出現,有效地協助許多中小型企業整合 O2O 的商業 模式。目前 O2O 文獻多是討論單一通路的情境,甚少研究著墨跨通路的範疇。因此,以 學習轉移理論為基礎,本研究欲建構一完整 O2O 跨通路顧客旅程之脈絡架構,探究企 業如何藉由 OTAs 網站的資訊品質(即內容資訊性和內容可信性)與視覺品質(即視覺 吸引性和視覺臨場感)的管理,建立良好的線上沉浸體驗並轉移至線下服務體驗,進而 影響消費者對於 OTAs 之再購意圖與服務提供者的再訪意圖。 本研究採電子問卷蒐集曾經使用 OTAs 網站之消費者的樣本資料,以 445 筆有效樣 本資料進行結構方程模式的分析。研究結果顯示 OTAs 網站之內容資訊性、內容可信性、 視覺吸引力、視覺臨場感皆顯著正向的影響顧客的沉浸體驗。而顧客之沉浸體驗會進一 步經由服務體驗影響他們對於 OTAs 網站的再購意圖與服務提供者的再訪意圖。研究結 果期對 O2O 跨通路與顧客體驗領域具有重要的學術貢獻與管理意涵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOnline-to-offline (O2O) commerce is a new electronic commerce model that has dramatically changed customers’ shopping behaviors. Service providers should put more effort into customer experience management because customers interact with firms through touch points’ presence on multiple channels, resulting in more complex customer journeys. However, not every service provider has sufficient resources or capacity to run O2O commerce. The appearance of online travel agencies (OTAs) has helped numerous small and medium tour companies engage in O2O commerce by arranging and selling accommodations, tours, transportation, and trips on third-party online platforms. Although various studies have explored the pros and cons of O2O commerce, most of which focus on the intra-firm O2O management. Few studies have been devoted to the investigation of cross-channel settings. Therefore, this study develops and empirically tests a research model examining the influence of information quality (i.e. content informativeness and content credibility) and visual quality (i.e. visual attractiveness and visual telepresence) on users’ flow experience on OTA websites. Flow experience affects users’ actual service experience, which ultimately enhances their repurchase intentions toward OTA websites and revisit intentions toward service providers. Survey data from 445 experienced users of OTA websites were examined with structural equation modeling. The findings indicate that content informativeness, content credibility, visual attractiveness, and visual telepresence of goods and services on OTA websites positively affect one’s flow experience. The results also show that flow experience impacts their service experience, which in turn affects customer repurchase intention toward OTA websites and revisit intention toward service providers. Research and managerial implications of our results are also discussed.en_US
DC.subjectOnline-to-offline ecommerce modelen_US
DC.subjectCustomer experienceen_US
DC.subjectLearning transfer theoryen_US
DC.subjectOnline travel agoniesen_US
DC.subjectFlow experienceen_US
DC.subjectService experienceen_US
DC.title由學習轉移理論探索消費者對線上至線下 商業模式之體驗轉移過程zh_TW
DC.titleUsing learning transfer theory to explore cross- channel experience transformation in online-to- offline (O2O) commerceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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