博碩士論文 108426017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Jia Liouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來共享經濟以破壞式創新的型態成長,打造出許多亮眼的成績,如其中的龍頭Uber及Airbnb,突破傳統產業的框架,成為現今市值上百億美元的公司。隨著經濟的蕭條,人們更有意願使用此類運輸工具。網路的進步也成為橋樑,不僅在商業利用方面有更大的空間,也省下實體運作時間,促成各類共享平台的實現。 然而點到點模式(Peer to Peer)中,消費者與經營者之間存在許多信任問題,像是產品品質、金融交易、個資隱私及訂單管理等,皆是需要雙方擁有誠信以及信任才能夠維持良好的運作。現今許多公司仍使用集中化的經營,導致容易遭受黑客攻擊或個資洩漏,且對於資料竄改、資料不實皆無對策。以本研究車輛共享為例,客戶所提供的車輛若為事故車或泡水車,經過非原廠修車將不留下任何紀錄,且該廠的修理用料品質也無從得知,對於租車人的安全造成疑慮,後續的肇責處理也成為一大麻煩。本研究主旨在於利用區塊鏈技術,以提升共享平台的加密功能以及交易過程的透明度。 本研究將以汽車共享平台為例,設計一個由區塊鏈所組成的共享平台。首先運用整合資訊架構(Architecture of Integrated Information System, ARIS)的建模及仿真分析,可以將流程做簡化,且捨去與流程無關的因素。在平台運行階段,此建模工具對於平台效果評估和優化也能夠提供有效的支持。為了了解平台設計邏輯,本研究透過統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)來建構軟體系統,將系統功能與結構藉由圖形的方式呈現,以圖形可視化的表達模式達成直觀性及標準性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the sharing economy has grown in a destructive innovation style and has created many dazzling achievements. For example, the leading players Uber and Airbnb have broken through the framework of traditional industries and become a company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars today. With the economic recession, people are more willing to use this type of transportation. The progress of the Internet has also become a bridge, which not only has more space for commercial use, but also saves physical operation time and facilitates the realization of various shared platforms. However, in the Peer to Peer model, there are many trust issues between consumers and operators, such as product quality, financial transactions, personal information privacy, and order management, etc., which require both parties to have integrity and trust. Maintain good operations. Nowadays, many companies still use centralized operations, which makes them vulnerable to hacker attacks or personal information leakage, and there is no countermeasure against data tampering and data inaccuracy. Take the car sharing in this research as an example. If the car provided by the customer is an accident car or a water car, no record will be left after the car is repaired by a non-original factory, and the quality of the repair materials of the factory is not known. For the renter The security caused doubts, and the subsequent handling of the blame has also become a big trouble. The main purpose of this research is to use blockchain technology to improve the encryption function of the shared platform and the transparency of the transaction process. This research will take the car sharing platform as an example to design a sharing platform composed of blockchain. Firstly, the modeling and simulation analysis of Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS) can be used to simplify the process and eliminate factors that have nothing to do with the process. In the platform operation stage, this modeling tool can also provide effective support for platform effect evaluation and optimization. In order to understand the design logic of the platform, this research uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to construct the software system, and presents the system functions and structure graphically, and achieves intuitiveness and standardization through graphical visualization.en_US
DC.titleProcess-Oriented Design of A Blockchain Supported Sharing Car Platformen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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