博碩士論文 108427003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要在探討員工的認知偏差與離職風險感知之影響,以及直屬主管 的五大人格特質對其之間的調節效果為何。認知偏差共分為三個構面進行探討:過度自信、控制幻想與相信小數法則,直屬主管五大人格特質共分為外向性、經驗開放性、情緒穩定性、嚴謹性以及親和性。透過問卷設計來進行資料蒐集,使用相關性分析、多元迴歸分析的方法來檢視本研究共六個假說是否得以驗證;研究對象以目前任職於一般企業之正職員工(含派遣人員),不含實習生、軍公教人員,以及工讀人員,有效問卷共為 325 份。 本研究結果為過度自信、控制幻想與離職風險感知呈現顯著負向關係,相 信小數法則與離職風險感知呈現負向關係,但是不顯著。在調節效果的部分,過度自信、相信小數在外向性、嚴謹性、親和性中呈現負向顯著,亦即有減弱之效果存在,而控制幻想在其中呈現顯著正向調節效果,代表具有增強效果存在;在經驗開放性、情緒穩定性中,過度自信呈現負向顯著調節、控制幻想為正向顯著調節,而相信小數法則為負向不顯著調節。未來研究建議可以深入探討五大人格特質調節的實際路徑為何,以及之中的原因跟方法,在問卷上也可以增加題項設計,以利後續統計分析。企業上可以將員工的內在認知納入甄選與訓練的參考標準,同時也將直屬主管的人格特質調查納入與員工適配程度之參考標準,最後再透過員工專屬個人化的職涯規劃與訓練,協助員工與主管之間的相處與共識,降低員工的離職意向,也可以維持組織健康的流動率,避免離職率對於組織內部的傷害與人才流失的問題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this research, we mainly discuss the relationship between Cognitive Bias and Perception of Turnover Risk for employees, and what is the moderation effect of BigFive Model for line managers.Cognitive bias is discussed by three dimensions, including Overconfidence, Illusion of Control, and the Belief in The Law of Small Numbers, in the other hand, the BigFive model including Extraversion,Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotion Stability, and Openness to Experience. We collected data by questionnaire designing, using correlation analysis and multi-regression analysis to test whether the 6 hypotheses in this research is verified or not. Our research object are employees who worked for enterprises, including contractors, but not include interns, public employees, and parttimes. In sum, valid questionnaires are total 325. As the result, Overconfidence, Illusions of Control, and Perception of Turnover Risk have significant negative correlation, they are also negative correlation between The belief in the law of small numbers and perception of turnover risk, but it is not significant. In the section of moderation effect for line managers, Overconfidence and Belief in The Law of Small Numbers show significant negative moderation effect in Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness, and Illusion of Control show a significant positive moderation effect. Overconfidence shows significant negative moderation effect, Illusion of Control shows significant positive moderation effect, and The belief in the law of small numbers shows insignificant negative moderation effect in Emotion Stability and Openness to Experience. This research suggests that the actual paths of Big-Five Model modification and questions can be added to the questionnaire to facilitate subsequent statistical analysis. Through personalized career planning and training, we can reduce the intention of employees to leave, maintain a healthy turnover rate in the organization, and avoid the damage to the organization.en_US
DC.subjectCognitive Biasen_US
DC.subjectPerception of Turnover Risken_US
DC.subjectBig Five Personalityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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