博碩士論文 108427016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chieh Chienen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球疫情升溫,企業開始改變策略,使在家工作的新工作模式日漸普及,相較於過去的辦公方式,在家工作會讓員工在工作領域和家庭領域之間需要更頻繁地做轉換,這會使其家庭跟工作、時間及空間之間界線劃分模糊不清,進而產生工作與家庭衝突,影響員工對工作的滿意程度,故本研究以工作家庭衝突與家庭工作衝突為自變項,工作滿意為依變項,物理疆界及心理疆界為調節變項,進行統計檢驗分析去探討員工在家工作情況下工作家庭衝突、家庭工作衝突、工作滿意以及物理、心理疆界間的關係。 本研究採網路問卷蒐集資料,共回收 215 份有效樣本,研究結果發現:(1)工作家庭衝突對工作滿意有負向影響(2)家庭工作衝突對工作滿意有負向影響(3)員工在家工作情況下個人的物理疆界對工作家庭衝突與工作滿意之關係不具調節效果(4)員工在家工作情況下個人的物理疆界對家庭工作衝突與工作滿意之關係不具調節效果(5)員工在家工作情況下個人的心理疆界對工作家庭衝突與工作滿意之關係具調節效果(6)員工在家工作情況下個人的心理疆界對家庭工作衝突與工作滿意之關係具調節效果,希望企業能夠提供員工在家工作時的相關措施,減少員工工作與家庭的衝突,並提高員工的疆界區隔,進而提升員工的工作滿意。 關鍵字:工作家庭衝突、家庭工作衝突、工作滿意、物理疆界、心理疆界zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the global epidemic heats up, companies start to change their strategies. Work from home is becoming more and more popular. Compared with the past office methods, working from home will make employees need to switch between the work field and the home field more frequently. It will make the boundaries between family and work, time and space are ambiguous, resulting in work-family conflict which affects employees′ job satisfaction. Therefore, this study takes work-family conflict and family-work conflict as independent variables, and job satisfaction as the dependent variables, physical boundaries and psychological boundaries are the moderating variables. Using statistical test analysis is carried out to explore the relationship between work-family conflict, family-work conflict, job satisfaction, and physical and psychological boundaries under the situation of employees working from home. In this study, the online questionnaire was used to collect data, and a total of 215 valid samples were collected. The results of the study found that: (1) work-family conflict has a negative impact on job satisfaction (2) family-work conflict has a negative impact on job satisfaction (3) Personal physical boundaries do not moderate the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction in the work-from-home situation (4) Personal physical boundaries do not moderate the relationship between family-work conflict and job satisfaction in the employee work-from-home situation (5) Personal psychological boundaries have a moderating effect on the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction (6) Personal psychological boundaries have moderating effects on the relationship between family-work conflict and job satisfaction. We hoped that companies can provide relevant measures for employees in the work-from-home situation. To reduce the conflict between employees’ s work and family and improve the boundaries of employees, thereby improving employees′ job satisfaction. Keywords: work-family conflict, family-work conflict, job satisfaction, physical boundaries, psychological boundariesen_US
DC.titleThe study on the relationships of work-family conflict and the job satisfaction of in a working-from-home situation: the work-family boundary as a moderatoren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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