博碩士論文 108450024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Chien Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球LCD面板產業經過幾十年的發展,LCD面板產業經歷了從美國、日本、韓國、台灣到中國崛起的發展過程。LCD面板產業具有廣泛的應用市場,包括電視、桌上顯示器、筆記型電腦、手機等等,全球LCD面板市場規模持續不斷擴大成長。2018年,中國超過韓國和台灣成為全球最大的LCD面板生產國,全球LCD面板產業產生巨大變化,台灣和韓國面臨來自中國的持續挑戰。 本文利用「結構—行為—績效」(Structure-Conduct-Performance, SCP) 分析架構,分析全球LCD面板產業的市場結構、廠商行為、業務績效,並基於消費性電子產業的當前發展來探索LCD面板產業的現況,並對產業的未來提出建議。 研究結果顯示,LCD面板產業是一個寡佔市場,LCD面板廠商除了設廠擴大產能之外,就是採取併購與合併方式,提高市場佔有率,擴大規模經濟效益,趨勢是大者恆大。新廠商要進入LCD面板產業並不容易,廠商之間的產品和市場高度重疊,彼此之間的競爭非常激烈。由於有競爭廠商的存在,所以無法對品牌客戶進行差別訂價,因此LCD面板在寡佔市場中的最終價格,是互相競爭的廠商決定LCD面板的價格。但LCD面板產業過去那套產能競賽的策略已不再奏效,廠商應導入自動化有效提升生產力並增加競爭力,發展新面板技術調整產品策略朝向利基應用產品。由於新冠肺炎疫情改變了人們生活方式,對居家工作、遠端學習、家庭娛樂的需求都不斷增加,因此帶動電視、桌上顯示器、筆記型電腦等終端消費性產品大幅度增加,間接帶動LCD面板需求也大幅度成長。就綜合財務指標而言,LCD面板廠商的獲利能力變動很大,因為LCD面板產業受到LCD面板市場供需平衡狀況影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter decades of development in the global LCD panel industry, the panel industry has experienced a development process from the United States, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan to China in sequence. The LCD panel industry has a wide range of application markets, including TVs, desktop monitors, notebook computers, mobile phones, etc. The global LCD panel market continues to expand and grow. In 2018, China surpassed South Korea and Taiwan to become the world′s largest LCD panel producer. The global LCD panel industry has undergone tremendous changes, and Taiwan and South Korea are facing continuous challenges from China. The “Structure-Conduct-Performance” (SCP) framework theory is utilized to analyze the market structure, manufacturers’ conduct, and business performance of the LCD panel industry, and explores the LCD panel industry’s development based on the current development of the consumer electronics industry. This study analyzes the current situation and makes suggestions for the future of the industry. The results of the study show that the LCD panel industry is an oligopolistic market. In addition to setting up factories to expand production capacity, LCD panel manufacturers have adopted mergers and acquisitions to increase market share and expand economies of scale. It is not easy for new manufacturers to enter the LCD panel industry. The products and markets of the manufacturers overlap with each other, and the competition among them is very fierce. Due to the existence of competing manufacturers, it is impossible to differentiate prices for brand customers. Therefore, the final price of LCD panels in the oligopolistic market is determined by competing manufacturers. However, the past strategy of the LCD panel industry for capacity competition has not worked. Manufacturers should introduce automation to effectively enhance productivity and increase competitiveness, and develop new panel technologies to adjust product strategies toward niche applications. As the new crown pneumonia epidemic has changed people’s lifestyles, the demand for home work, remote learning, and home entertainment has been increasing. This has led to a substantial increase in terminal consumer products such as TVs, desktop monitors, and notebook computers, which indirectly drives LCD panels. Demand has also grown substantially. Comprehensive financial indicators, the profitability of LCD panel manufacturers has changed greatly, because the LCD panel industry is affected by the balance of supply and demand in the LCD panel market.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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