博碩士論文 108450044 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHis-Hsiang Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著老齡化社會的到來,組織面臨著越來越大的勞動力缺口,如何保持中高員年齡員工的持續工作動力在當今社會中非常重要,因在企業界,中高齡員工的勞動力在能力上較年輕人更具有優勢,因此工作因素對中高齡持續工作意願的重要作用是毋庸置疑的。 本研究以社會情緒選擇理論為基礎,以中高齡員工的年齡為自變項,以持續工作動機為依變項,並探討中高齡員工調節性人力資源管理方案的「提供工作外資源」與「降低工作上要求」如何改變年齡與持續工作動機之間的關係。 本研究以中高齡員工為研究對象,且以兩階段的不同時間點發放問卷的方式,以避免共同方法變異的問題,最後有效樣本數為109份。本研究結果發現,中高齡員工之年齡與持續工作動機成負向相關,且中高齡員工知覺高度的「提供工作外的資源」的調節性人力資源管理方案具有緩減年齡增加對持續工作動機的負面影響;而「降低工作上要求」的調節性人力資源管理方案不具有緩減年齡增加對持續工作動機的負面影響的效果。最後本研究提出之管理意涵可用於企業提昇中高齡勞動力的持續工作動機議題上。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores the relationship between middle-aged and elderly employees and their motivations for continuing to work. The paper also discusses what changes and effects occur when there is a provision of extra work resources, and there is a reduction of work requirements or workload. With an aging society, organizations are facing a labor shortage. The situation is becoming more and more severe. Maintaining continuous work motivation of middle-aged and elderly employees is very important in today′s society. As in the enterprise world, middle-aged and elderly workers have more advantages in capacity structure than younger people do, so there is no doubt that work is an important factor and effect in the willingness of people who are middle-aged and older to continue working. This research is based on socioemotional selectivity theory, taking the age of middle-aged and elderly employees as the independent variable, and continuous working motivation as the dependent variable. It also discusses how the "improvement of extra-work resources" and "reducing work requirements" in the human resource management practice for middle-aged and elderly employees changes the relationship between age and motivation to continue work. The objects of this research are middle-aged and elderly employees and distributes questionnaires at two different points in time in two phrases to avoid common method variance. The final effective sample number is 109. The results of this research found that the age of middle-aged and older employees is negatively correlated with their motivation to continue working, and that the highly perceptive human resource management practice of "providing extra-work resources" for middle-ages and elderly employees has the effect of slowing down the negative impact on the increase in age and motivation to continue working. It also demonstrates that the human resource management practice of "reducing job requirements" does not have the effect of mitigating the negative impact of the increase in age when it comes to continuous working motivation. Finally, the management implications proposed in this research can be applied to continuous working motivation for enterprises to improve middle-aged and elderly workforces.en_US
DC.subjectMotivation to Continue Worken_US
DC.subjectHuman Resource Management Practice for Middle-Aged and Elderly Employeesen_US
DC.subjectSocioemotional Selectivity Theoryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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