博碩士論文 108450066 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Yi Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract人口高齡化的一些問題與衝擊已經被廣泛的討論了20年了,台灣在2018年已經正式的進入了高齡化的社會,根據推測台灣在2025年會進入超高齡化的社會。台灣的扶老比例,從2000年平均每8.1位青壯年需負擔一名老年人,到 2020 年止已轉變為每4.4 位青壯年就需負擔一名老年人(國家發展委員會,2020)。出生率的下降造成了勞動人口的降低,人口紅利逐漸消失,加上中高齡員工的工作動機的衰退,勞動個體提早退休等問題,在未來可能會造成勞動力下降,人才短缺等問題,企業組織必須要提早意識到這些問題與重視。 其他國家如日本在2020年也宣布公務人員退休年齡延長到65歲,另有報導擬更進一步提高到70歲,另外日本一家私營企業更宣布如果公司的員工年齡已經符合退修資格但是還有意願與體力可以勞動,公司可以調整退休年齡延後到80歲的消息一發佈,引發了全球熱烈的討論。可以由此來了解高齡化社會與勞動力的嚴重不足,加上社會保障支出等壓力的問題,龐大的老齡人口,低生育率造成了相當大的社會負擔。 世界各國也在逐步的調整延後退休年齡或是延長工作工齡與勞動保險的年限,所以中高齡以上工作人員的相關動機與背景是值得被重視與討論的。就企業而言,中高齡工作人員就業動機背景下的工作塑造,工作成長,工作激勵,工作效率,工作意願,經驗傳承等…議題都有研究的重要性,可以讓企業在面對中高齡員工的工作時能更有效地提出管理措施。 在未來勞動力將會越來越多的由年長的就業人員來組成。同時,在一些研究中表明,與工作相關的成長動機會伴隨著年齡的增長而會慢慢的減少。但我們對導致這種工作動機變化的過程變量知道得甚少。因此,我們採用的研究設計,考察未來時間,工作動機和期望退休年齡與工作塑造下調節後的相關交互作用。研究希望發現未來時間觀與持續工作動機,未來時間觀與退休期望的一個互相關係的研究與探討,這些發現在未來對於老齡化和工作動機的文獻研究以及如何從工作塑造中激勵中高齡工作者具有重要的理論意義和實際探討的意義。研究的結果對於勞動個體,組織與社會都是正面與積極的一個方向,在未來也值得其他研究學者持續探討與追蹤的重點。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIssues and impacts of population aging have been widely discussed in the past 20 years. Taiwan has officially entered the stage of and aged society in 2018. As a forecast, Taiwan will enter a super-aged society by 2025. The old age dependency ratio of Taiwan population had an average of 8.1 working people for every person aged 65 or older in 2000 and already lowered to 4.4 in 2020 (National Development Council, 2020). Some social phenomenon need more attentions and concerns from enterprises and companies, e.g. lowering birth rate, which results in the reduced working population and gradually vanished demographic dividend, deteriorating working motivation of senior employee, and early retirement of laboring individuals. Those problems may lead more issues in the coming days, such as labor force decline and talent shortage. In 2020, Japan government has also announced to raise the retirement age to 65 and even studied the possibility to 70. Some private enterprise which revealed the willing to raise the retirement age until 80 for employees qualified to retire has attracted a great attention all over the world. This phenomenon exhibits those aging issues including severe shortage of labor, increased expenditure of social welfare, high population of elder, and low birth rate have caused a huge burden to our society. Because most countries in the world are gradually raising the retirement age, extending working age limit, or increasing age limit of labor insurance, the motivation and background of mid-aged employees are worthy of more attention and discussion. For enterprises, several important issues need to be well-studied for higher efficiency of mid-aged employee management, such as job crafting, career development, incentive to work, work productivity, work motivation, and experience sharing. As the average age of working population increasing, the work-related motivation and development showing an inverse proportion to age has been reported in some research. However, the procedure variable leading the change of work motivation is still not clear. Therefore, we designed experiments to investigate the interaction among future time, work motivation, expected retirement age, and job crafting. This study attempts to reveal the correlation between future time perspective to work motivation and future time perspective to retirement expectation. The result of our observation showing significance of theoretical meaning and practical research will contribute to further literature research about aging and work motivation and how to encourage mid-aged employee by job crafting. We believe that this study will provide not only a positive discussion for both laboring individuals or organizations but also a direction for continuous and advanced exploration.en_US
DC.subjectfuture time perspectiveen_US
DC.subjectcontinuous work motivationen_US
DC.subjectjob craftingen_US
DC.subjectretirement expectationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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