博碩士論文 108451026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Ju Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣推動有線電視「多元選擇付費機制」政策多年,原預訂106年起收視戶即可依自身的需求,選擇基本頻道、加選套餐、付費頻道或計次付費節目等,但直至現今,政策仍遲遲無法正式施行。目前政策在推行中已產生許多發展瓶頸,法治規範面更因為立法的時空背景不同,使得現階段有線電視系統經營者難以落實執行「多元選擇付費機制」政策;本研究就其政策施行困境,從不同官、民、業者3面向,提出後續發展方向。 採取Porter五力分析理論,探討目前影響有線電視產業推行多元選擇付費機制的五股作用力。此外,納入第六力—政府的影響,檢視整體產業在政府推動數位化政策後,影響產業競爭態勢的因素為何。研究方法上,採用文獻分析法、次級資料分析法以及深度訪談法,分別以政府、消費者、業者為對象,藉此瞭解目前3方對「多元選擇付費機制」政策施行窒礙難行之處。 研究結果發現,有線電視產業中五股作用力,隨著數位時代發展而逐漸有所改變。其中,「新加入者的威脅」部分,未來台灣數位電視市場有新興視訊平台等多媒體業者進場的威脅性極大。「供應商的談判力量」部分,出現有線電視系統經營者、節目供應者與節目代理商的「三合一」角色,代理商對於有線電視產業的關鍵影響力逐漸升高。「替代性產品的威脅」部分,數位化為有線電視帶來服務提升,但亦增加中華電信MOD、新興視訊平台等多媒體產業的威脅。此外,「政府作用力」不僅能夠直接或間接的影響整個產業結構五股作用力的變動,更是目前有線電視產業能否順利發展「多元選擇付費機制」的關鍵要素。 109年,在Covid-19疫情影響之下,民眾減少外出次數、減少人與人接觸等防疫模式,也悄悄改變了消費者的收視行為,促進了網路電視、OTT串流服務發展的機會。在網路蓬勃發展之下,有線電視系統經營者也應該邁向未來科技世代,以豐富自身公司網路服務、數位機上盒與APP串流為發展方針,為傳統走出一條多元之路。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe policy of "Multiple Choice Payment Mechanism" for cable television had been implemented in Taiwan for many years. According to the 2017 plan, the Television Household (TVHH) can choose basic channels, additional packages, paid channels, or pay-per-view programs according to their own requirement. However, until now, the policy is still not been formally implemented yet. Many development bottlenecks have been created in the implementation of the current policy. The legal norm is more difficult to implement the "Multiple Choice Payment Mechanism" policy due to the various backgrounds of the law. This research is to submit the development direction from the three aspects of officials, civilians, and industry. Applying Porter Five Forces Analysis Theory to explore the five forces that currently influence the implementation of the multiple-choice payment mechanism in the cable television industry. In addition, including the sixth force, the influence of the government, examine the factors affecting the competitive situation of the industry after the government promotes the digitalization policy of the overall industry. In terms of research methods, the literature analysis method, secondary data analysis method and in-depth interview method are used to target the government, consumers, and industry, respectively, to understand the current obstacles to the implementation of the "multiple choice payment mechanism" policy by the three parties. The results of the study found that the five forces in the cable television industry have gradually changed with the development of the digital age. Among them, in the "threat of new entrants", Taiwan′s digital TV market will have a great threat to the entry of multimedia players such as emerging video platforms in the future. Regarding "supplier′s negotiating power", the "three-in-one" role of cable TV system operators, program providers and program agents appears, and the key influence of agents on the cable TV industry is gradually increasing. Regarding "Threat of Alternative Products", digitalization has brought service improvements to cable TV, but it has also increased the threat of multimedia industries such as Chunghwa Telecom′s MOD and emerging video platforms. In addition, the "government force" can not only directly or indirectly affect the changes in the five forces of the entire industrial structure but is also a key element for the smooth development of the "multiple choice payment mechanism" in the cable TV industry. In 2010, under the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, people reduced their number of outings and reduced people-to-person contact and other epidemic prevention models, which also changed without notice consumers′ viewing behaviors, and promoted opportunities for the development of online TV and OTT streaming services. With the rapid development of the Internet, the cable TV industry should also step into the future generation of technology, with the development of enriching its own company′s network services, digital set-top boxes and APP streaming, and blaze a diversified path for tradition.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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