博碩士論文 108453002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsi-Feng Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文主要探討台灣筆記型電腦代工廠於新冠肺炎疫情前後所受之衝擊,以個案進行分析面對外部環境之應變方式與內部重新專業分工,其相關措施與跨單位協作是否助於強化組織韌性。藉由C公司進行參與觀察筆記型電腦專案開發過程,進而了解研發團隊與生產間的相互連動,其工作方法於疫情前後所產生之成本與差異化,評估日後海外設廠是否仍能以此為基礎而創造持續競爭優勢。   經過個案研究後發現,外部宏觀環境之變化往往直接或間接影響企業策略制定,如新冠肺炎疫情期間,研發團隊無法進行差旅至海外工廠,衍生而出過高之內部溝通成本,造成新產品無法如期上市而影響獲利且客戶滿意度下滑。反映外部環境發生變化時,企業內部亦需快速回應並進行內部重新分工,同時應審慎檢視:1. 持續評估其他海外設廠;2. 確保企業組織內部溝通無阻;3. 內部工作與跨單位協同合作模式需與時俱進。而於日常即需確保生產基地當地人員具備支援試產能力,始能確保技術、系統與生產就緒水準不受影響。   從本研究結果可以說明,企業欲強化體質,仍應維持在地生產比例,而針對核心競爭力,應強化其內部之交互關係並透過人員教育訓練以降低溝通成本,適時調整組織架構與分工權責以破除穀倉效應,在策略執行上謹慎審視7-S架構,進行整體系統性風險預防。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis studies the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on Notebook ODM by analyzing the case company’s environmental factors and internal reorganization. The study evaluates the measures implemented in the company since the China–United States trade war in 2017 to COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, and then identifies whether such measures are helpful for the company’s resilience. By participating and observing C-company’s project development process of notebook products, the study compares the deviations on working models and resource arrangements to estimate the cost savings before and after COVID-19, and thus assesses whether the changes can be a basis to create sustainable competitive advantage when implementing in oversea factories. According to the case study, changes in the macro environment affected the formulation of corporate strategies directly or indirectly. For example, cost of internal communications was higher during COVID-19 epidemic when R&D teams could not travel to oversea factories. Furthermore, new products could not launch on time and therefore impacted profits and customer satisfaction. The events reflected that a company should respond quickly to adjust the roles and responsibilities of R&D teams internally when external factors had changed. In the meanwhile, a company should review the following issues carefully: 1. Evaluate the possibility and the capacity ratio of establishing factories abroad or locally. 2. Ensure smooth communication channels for internal teams. 3. Assess whether internal working models or collaboration keeps up with the times. As the conclusions of this study, companies with distributed production factories should enhance their core competence, strengthen the internal interactions as well as employee training to lower the communication cost, and consider to adjust the organization of R&D timely to break the silo effect. With regard to strategy, companies need to review 7-S architecture cautiously to prevent systematic risk.en_US
DC.subjectPEST Analysisen_US
DC.subjectValue Chain Analysisen_US
DC.subjectProject Development Processen_US
DC.titleImpact of COVID-19 Epidemic on Notebook ODM: The Case of C Company′s New Product Development and Manufacturingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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