博碩士論文 108453022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Tzu Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract當公司經營發展到一定規模時,供應鏈流程整合和e化是趨勢,T公司經營理念是藉由垂直整合,有效控管供應鏈,降低營運的風險;透過集中管理,產生規模經濟,有效管控生產成本。一直以來T公司耗費時間、金錢、心力建置供應鏈電子商務平台,致力於採購商與供應商、物流商建立良好合作關係。 隨著時間演進,T公司人力逐漸老化,遇到公司初創時期員工之退休潮,發現人力有斷層情形,亦面臨到基層勞務性質工作人員招募不易之問題。由於數字化、整合化、自動化、智能化能在供應鏈中創造業務成長的重要世界,而技術創新正在改變供應鏈的流程;因此唯有不斷導入電子化,藉透過資訊系統改善流程,能簡化員工作業及整合流程。 本研究以T公司在供應鏈整合與導入電子化執行為例,並探討電子化、企業流程再造、供應鏈整合等相關研究文獻,透過T公司針對供應鏈管理導入電子化改善專案,將直接參與個案規劃與執行,加上初級、次級資料彙整,透過訪談,進行深入研究。 整合供應鏈,提升供應鏈服務品質,導入電子化,須運用資訊科技來執行策略,以更有效率方式經營與執行作業,俾塑造合作關係密切之供應鏈模式。另檢視T公司實際之營運績效,研究結果發現供應鏈整合模式的建立,不僅只是建立與供應鏈密切的互動關係,更是帶來實質效益和營收,創造了各方都贏的局面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIt is a trend to adopt electronic delivery for integrating supply chains when the operational scale of a company has reached a certain level. As a leading company in the traditional manufacturing industries, the business philosophy of Company T is to reduce operational risks and production costs with centralized management to generate economies of scale. This is partly achieved through vertical integration and effective supply chain monitoring and control. Company T continues to develop a supply chain e-commerce platform, and strives to establish tight business relationships between purchasers, suppliers and logistics providers. As time passed by, Company T started encountering the manpower aging problem. Employee retirement has brought a temporary deficit in manpower as the company experienced the difficulty of recruiting sufficient laborers. Technological innovations, such as digitalization, electronic integration and automation, and artificial intelligence can make impressive strides in the supply chain for business growth. Therefore, adopting electronic delivery is a good choice to revamp Company T’s supply system and simplify operations for greater process integration. This studied case is Company T (a leading manufacturing company in Taiwan), with a focus on its projects of adopting electronic delivery for supply chain integration. The study reviewed three streams of literature - digitalization, BPR (Business Process Reengineering), supply chain integration. The study collected primary and secondary data by participating in the projects. By analyzing the data, this study identified gaps between the practices of the case and those suggested by the literature. Information technology is the key to integrate supply chains, enhance the quality of supply chain services, and introduce an efficient operation system to build a close business relationship with suppliers. After reviewing the actual operational performance of Company T, the research results demonstrate that adopting electronic delivery has indeed deepened the supply chain relationships, resulting in higher revenues for cooperative suppliers and a win-win situation.en_US
DC.subjectBPR (Business Process Reengineering)en_US
DC.subjectSupply Chain Integrationen_US
DC.titleAdopting Electronic Delivery for Supply Chain Integration: A Case Study of Company Ten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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