博碩士論文 108522062 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYing-Ru Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在這項研究中,為了了解使用者是否接受一種新型手勢辨識,這種手勢辨識不需要戴上任何感測器及設備,只需要頭盔的鏡頭對準手勢就能偵測手勢的動作及位置,並在虛擬世界直觀且自然的操作手勢,就像在現實生活中用手去做事一樣,實現模糊虛擬及真實之間界線的可行性。我們探討並分析使用者是否能接受像這樣一種接近現實的沉浸式體驗,因此,我們比較此種手勢以及手把對於使用者互動體驗和感知的影響。我們對大學生及研究生進行了2(控制模式)×2(性別)、2(控制模式)×2(類組)以及2(控制模式)×3(任務完成時間)的因子設計實驗。調查不同控制模式(手勢/手把)、性別、類組、任務完成模式對XRSPACE MANOVA使用者體驗的影響,並分析使用者主觀感知評估以及提供使用者反饋加以證明分析結果,我們採用成對樣本T test、One-way ANOVA分析、Wilcoxon signed rank test以及Kruskal-Wallis test分析顯手勢辨識/手把使用者體驗評估的主要影響和相互作用。結果表明,在體驗XRSPACE MANOVA 後,使用者的可接受性偏向於手把而不是手勢辨識,並事後詢問使用者不喜歡手勢辨識的原因,發現使用者認為手勢辨識的感應偵測功能上有很大的缺陷,如果優化手勢辨識的缺陷功能,很多使用者對手勢的接受性就會很高。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research purpose understands the users whether to accept the new gesture recognition that advantage is no need another sensor or controller only the camera of helmet to detect the gesture, to achieve feasibility of between the fuzzy real and the virtual, so that it is natural to operate in the virtual world, just like in real life. The development of this gesture can change people’s lifestyles in future and even may replace traditional controllers, such as playing basketball or greeting and interacting with people. Therefore, we have explore gesture and controller affect the user’s interactive experience and perception. We examine the effects of different control modes (gestures/controllers), gender, majoring, and task completion time on the user′s experience of XRSPACE MANOVA, conduct subjective perception assessment of users, and provide empirical evidence of user experience. We use the paired sample T test, one way ANOVA test, Wilcoxon signed rank test and Kruskal-Wallis test analysis shows the main influence and interaction of gesture/controller user experience evaluation. The results show that, Short time use of gestures has good performance in internal control and behavioral intentions, and although in result not significant, in Perceived Enjoyment, (PE), Satisfaction (SAT), Confirmation (CON), with good performance evaluation, which means that users have positive fun and expectations for the acceptance of novel technologies. In the part of controller, in Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Attitude to Use (ATU), Perceptions of Internal Control (POIC) have a good subjective assessment, which means, in terms of operating performance, users are more accepting of the controller. We have found in the experiment some question about negative situation of the gesture (It is also the advantage of the controller) that cause long-term use of gestures will reduce the evaluation of gestures then discuss how to transfer and improve the advantages of the controller to gestures, let user will feel the same as using the controller for operating functions and may have higher expectations of gesture acceptability.en_US
DC.subjectVirtual Reality (VR)en_US
DC.title比較XRSPACE MANOVA中手勢和控制器互動模式的用戶體驗zh_TW
DC.titleUser Experience Comparison of Interaction Mode between Gesture and Controller in XRSPACE MANOVAen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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