博碩士論文 108524009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Hsin Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract過去許多相關研究表明,在課程中結合動覺辨識機制以及遊戲式學習可以有效提升學習者的學習成效。因此,本研究以全肢體反應教學法(Total Physical Response, TPR)為基礎,並擴展合作式的多媒體認知理論 (Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning , CTML),以研究合作式CTML的學習方法對英語學習的影響。在這項研究中,開發了一款結合動覺元素的猜謎遊戲,學習者可以透過同伴或系統提供的提示猜測英文單字或片語,並且做出與該題目相關聯的動作,以讓學習者透過身體動作加深其對英語單字或片語的記憶力。而當學習者經歷了教師設計的猜謎遊戲內容後,學習者必須設計新的遊戲內容並應用在第二階段的猜謎遊戲中。在結果的分析上,這項研究探討了合作式學習與個人式學習在學習成效以及遊戲分數上的差異,並進一步調查影響學習成效的學習行為。根據結果表明,使用合作式學習的實驗組之學習成效及遊戲分數皆優於使用個人式學習的控制組,並且學習者閱讀的提示數量以及向同伴說的句子數量皆會對其學習成效產生正面的影響。這意指著結合動覺辨識機制的合作及遊戲式學習可以有效幫助學習者的英語學習,並且學習者與同伴的互動行為是促進學習過程中很關鍵的因素。此外,控制組在第一階段與第二階段的遊戲成績上存在顯著差異,而實驗組雖在兩個階段中無顯著差異,但根據學習者的反饋表明在第二階段中由學習者設計的學習內容可以提升他們的學習動機與參與度,並且使他們更積極的投入在學習過程中。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMany related studies in the past have shown that combined kinesthetic recognition mechanisms and game-based learning in the curriculum could effectively facilitate learners’ learning achievement. Therefore, this study was based on the Total Physical Response (TPR) method and the extended version of the collaborative Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) to investigate the impact of CTML learning methods on learners’ English learning. In this study, a guessing game combined kinesthetic mechanism was developed. Learners were asked to guess English vocabulary or phrases through the hints provided by their peers or systems, and imitate the gestures that corresponded to the vocabulary or phrases. It could allow learners to improve their English memorization of vocabulary or phrases. Moreover, learners were asked to design the guessing game learning contents after they experienced the guessing games with teacher-designed contents, and the learner-designed contents were provided to the guessing games in Stage 2. Furthermore, the differences between collaborative learning and individual learning in learning achievement and guessing game performance were analyzed and discussed, and further investigated which learning behaviors affected the learning achievement. According to the results, the experimental group which used collaborative learning performed better than the control group which used individual learning, and the number of hints that learners read and the number of sentences they spoke both positively affected their learning achievement. It was believed that collaborative game-based learning with kinesthetic mechanisms could improve learners′ English learning achievement, and learners’ interaction behaviors was the critical elements in the learning process. Furthermore, the control group had significant differences in the guessing game performance of Stage 1 and Stage 2; on the contrary, the experimental group had no significant difference, but the learners’ feedback revealed that the learner-designed learning contents of Stage 2 could improve their learning motivation and participation, and support them more engage in the learning process.en_US
DC.subjectkinesthetic recognition mechanismen_US
DC.subjectgame-based learningen_US
DC.subjectTotal Physical Responseen_US
DC.subjectCognitive Theory of Multimedia Learningen_US
DC.subjectEnglish learningen_US
DC.subjectlearner-designed contentsen_US
DC.subjectcollaborative learningen_US
DC.title探討擴展合作式多媒體認知理論和其對EFL聽力與口語能力之影響 - 結合動覺辨識和學習者設計內容之猜謎遊戲zh_TW
DC.titleInvestigating Extended Collaborative Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and its effect on EFL Listening and Speaking - Guessing Game with Kinesthetic Recognition and Learner-Designed Contentsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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