博碩士論文 108554013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Hsien Suen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣教育界近幾年來推動108課綱,並且在國中教育會考中看見越來越多的素養導向題型,因此學生的「後設認知能力」和「解題歷程」也顯得格外重要,為了讓學校之學生不落人後,因此利用「數學建模(mathematical modeling)」與「科技輔助」的教學方式,規劃此次實驗的研究架構,目的為改善學生在數學解題的困境。 本研究的目的希望能結合「數學建模」來提升數學「後設認知能力」與「解題歷程」表現,並使用「科技輔助」於數學教學,探討國中八年級學生是否可以藉由此種教學提升數學「後設認知能力」與「解題歷程」表現。而「數學建模」方式是使用「Schoenfeld之數學解題歷程之問題」,給予學生解題練習使用以及「數學解題表現使用」,另外使用解說影片當作「科技輔助」方式,給予學生回家解惑。研究對象為在校的兩個班級,實驗組(9人)、對照組(11人),課程共13節課,每節45分鐘。研究資料包含量化資料及質性資料,分別為教學前及教學後施測的「後設認知量表」,以及教學後施測的「數學解題表現(數列與級數試題)」。研究資料經處理與分析後,得研究結果如下: 一、 「強調後設認知之科技輔助數學建模教學」提升學生數學「後設認知能力」。 二、 相較於「一般數學解題教學」,「強調後設認知之科技輔助數學建模教學」更能顯著提升學生數學後設認知能力。 三、 相較於「一般數學解題教學」,「強調後設認知之科技輔助數學建模教學」更能顯著提升學生數學解題歷程表現。 最後,研究者亦依據研究結果對未來之相關研究提供建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, Ministry Of Education in Taiwan has promoted 108 syllabus, and we have seen more and more literacy-oriented question types in Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students, CAP. Therefore, students’ mathematical "metacognitive ability” and "problem solving process" are also extremely important. In order to ensure that the students in the school are not left behind, the teaching methods of "mathematical modeling" and "technology-assisted" were used to plan the research framework of this experiment, hoping to improve the students′ dilemma of mathematical problem solving. The purpose of this research was to combine "mathematical modeling" and "metacognitive ability", and use "technology-assisted" mathematics teaching, to explore whether junior high school students in eighth grade can use this kind of teaching to improve mathematics metacognitive ability and mathematical problem solving course. We used “Schoenfeld′s problem of mathematical problem-solving process” as "mathematical modeling" method and compiled the problems of each process, and provided students with problem-solving practice and post-testing of mathematical problem-solving performance. In addition, explanation videos were used as a technological aid for students to understand the questions at home. The research objects were two classes in the school, the experimental group (9 people) and the control group (11 people). The total number of lessons were 13 and each one was 45 minutes. The research data contained quantitative data and value data, which were separately "metacognitive scale" for pre-teaching and post-teaching tests, and "post-tests of performance in mathematics problem solving (geometric series and arithmetic series) " for post-test questions. After the research data was processed and analyzed, the research results are as follows: 1. "Emphasizing the influence of metacognitive Technology-assisted modeling-based math instruction teaching" enhances students′ mathematical “metacognitive ability”. 2. "Emphasizing the influence of metacognitive Technology-assisted modeling-based math instruction teaching" can significantly improve students′ mathematics “metacognitive ability”. 3. Compared to “General mathematics problem solving teaching”, "Emphasizing the influence of metacognitive Technology-assisted modeling-based math instruction teaching" can significantly improve students′ mathematics “problem-solving process”. Finally, the researcher also makes suggestions for future related research based on the research results, and teaching practices are also discussed.en_US
DC.subjectmetacognitive abilityen_US
DC.subjectproblem solving processen_US
DC.subjectmathematical modelingen_US
DC.subjecttechnology assistanceen_US
DC.titleEmphasizing the influence of metacognitive Technology-assisted modeling-based math instruction teaching on the metacognitive ability and mathematical problem solving process performance of junior high school students: Take "Sequence and Series Unit" as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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