博碩士論文 108623006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPin-An Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對於執行太空任務的衛星等飛行器而言,一趟成功的任務將帶來許多可貴的成果,比如科技的進步、解謎未知的深太空科學現象、人才的教育與培養等,然而飛行器必須運行在極度嚴苛的太空環境,承受著相當大的高低溫差以及高能量帶電粒子的不斷打擊,一旦藉由火箭發射升空後若有執行上的異常便只能從地面上傳指令試圖進行修復,因此太空任務能夠被視為是同時具備高價值、高成本、且高風險的計畫。為了確保這樣的計畫能夠順利完成,發射前的各項功能與整合測試勢必是不可缺少,然而在地面進行的測試仍可能會因為與實際之太空環境不同而有潛在的問題難以被診測出,利用硬體迴路測試 (Hardware in the Loop, HIL) 的技術能夠以較低成本的方式使被測系統盡量以貼近真實運作環境的條件下執行功能測試。本文將針對在衛星任務中出現異常機率較高的電力次系統 (Electrical Power Subsystem, EPS) 進行HIL測試,建立電力次系統硬體迴路測試平台 (EPS Hardware in the Loop, EHIL),並將以已於2021年1月發射的3U立方衛星飛鼠號任務為EHIL平台開發的模擬對象,測試飛鼠號的EPS在長時間運作下的發電、儲電、與配電的能力與穩定度,透過任務期間所下傳的信標封包資料與EHIL平台的模擬結果進行比對以驗證平台的完成度,並期望能夠應用於未來的衛星任務之EPS長期忍受度以及功能驗證。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor spacecraft such as satellites that execute space missions, a successful mission will bring countless valuable achievements, such as technological improvements, exploration of unknown scientific phenomena in deep space, and education and training of skilled professionals, etc. However, the spacecraft must operate in the extremely harsh space environment, withstanding a considerable temperature difference and the impact of high energy charged particles. Once launched by a rocket, if there is an abnormal event, it can only be addressed remotely by uplinking commands from a ground station. Therefore, space missions can be regarded as high-value, high-cost, and high-risk projects. In order to ensure that the project can be successfully completed, functional and integration tests are essential before launch. However, tests conducted on the ground may still have potential problems that are difficult to diagnose due to differences between the ground and the actual space environment. Hardware in the Loop (HIL) technology enables the system under test to perform functional tests under the conditions close to the real operating environment in a low-cost manner. This thesis will conduct HIL tests on a spacecraft Electrical Power Subsystem (EPS) which is a subsystem with a high probability of abnormality in satellite missions, and build an EPS Hardware in the Loop (EHIL) test platform. The platform uses the EPS from a 3U CubeSat mission, the Ionospheric Dynamics Exploration and Attitude Subsystem Satellite (IDEASSat / INSPIRESat-2), already launched in January 2021 as the simulation object for developing EHIL. Moreover, it also tests the ability and stability of the IDEASSat EPS in power generation, storage, and distribution under long-term operations. The performance of the platform is verified by comparing the simulation results from EHIL with the beacon packet data which downlinked during the commissioning of the spacecraft. It is expected to be applied to the long-term endurance and functional verification of EPS units for future satellite missions.en_US
DC.subjectHardware in-the-loopen_US
DC.subjectElectrical Power Subsystemen_US
DC.titleImplementation of Hardware in-the-loop Test Platform for Spacecraft Electrical Power Subsystemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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