博碩士論文 108724001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract我國的身分證電子化歷程自 2015 年開始推行「晶片國民身分證換發計畫」,欲整合國民身分證與自然人憑證,最終於 2018 年 12 月確認執行,原訂於 2020年 10 月實施,後因新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情影響而預計延後至 2021 年 7 月全面施行「數位身份識別證換發政策」(New eID),然政府部門受到民間團體、學者的龐大壓力,決議先暫停實施,謹慎評估國內法律、政策規劃再重新啟動數位身分證計畫,目前(2021 年)施行日期未定。 雖可預見透過全面發放數位身分證,能重塑整個公部門的行政流程,使公部門服務效率提高。然晶片國民身分證之政策在規劃初時,便遭到社會大眾激烈的反對與質疑,不論是個人的隱私權議題,或者是整體規劃的資訊安全問題,又或是在法律政策的規劃上,政府都無法取得社會大眾的信任。 本研究欲藉此文,探討我國身分認證制度之發展歷程,並分析、比較數位身分證制度之優缺點,及將對我國的法律、社會造成何種具體的影響,再進一步深入探討數位身分證若在現今的法律建設下施行,將可能造成何種法律上的爭議、衝突。並希望我國政府能參照人權觀念較為先進之歐盟國家,在數位化的浪潮中,訂立我國國民數位識別認證技術之專法,並引「數位化」概念入法規範中,使之相互交織下,能建構出一個維護我國人民隱私的資訊防護網;且也要盡快成立專責機關,以負責、監督因應未來政策推動所產生的問題。如此使政策面與法制面隨著政策規劃逐漸修正,才不至於頭重腳輕導致實際運行政策時窒礙難行。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan′s electronic identity card progress since 2015 began to implement the "chip national identity card exchange program", in order to integrate national identity card and natural person certificate, finally confirmed in December 2018 implementation, originally scheduled for October 2020 The "New eID policy" is expected to be extended until July 2021 due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, but the government departments are under enormous pressure from civil society organizations and scholar to suspend their implementation , only if carefully assess domestic laws and policy planning ,then restart the digital identity card program,so the current implementation date has not been set. Although it is foreseeable that the full issuance of digital identity cards can reshape the administrative processes of the entire public sector and improve the efficiency of public services. However, at the beginning of the planning, the policy of eID was fiercely opposed and questioned by the public, whether it is the privacy issue of individuals, or the information security of the overall planning, or in the planning of legal policy, the government can not obtain the trust of the public. The author would like to take this article to explore the development of Taiwan′s identity authentication system, and analyze and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the digital identity card system, and what specific impact will be on Taiwan′s law and society, and further explore the digital identity card if implemented under the current legal construction, what kind of legal disputes and conflicts may result. It is hoped that our government can refer to the european Union countries with more advanced human rights concepts. For the wave of digitalization, to establish Taiwan′s eID special law, and the Digitization concept into the law, so that they are intertwined, can build a protection network to safeguard the privacy of our people; So that the policy and legal aspects with the policy planning gradually revised,so as not to be lead to the actual operation of the policy when difficult to do.en_US
DC.subjectGDPR 規範zh_TW
DC.subjectDigital Identity Card(eID)en_US
DC.subjectLegal Adjustmenten_US
DC.subjectGDPR Specificationen_US
DC.subjectRight to Self-Determination of Informationen_US
DC.titleTaiwan′s eID Policy Discussion of Legal Adaptationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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