博碩士論文 108729008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Yuan Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract屏東縣自閩客不成文的政治傳統被打破後,爾後屏東客家族群政治力不斷萎縮。本研究以政治心理角度探討屏縣客庄閩南族群與客家族群在政治態度與政治參與之差異。 本研究以屏東縣客庄年滿20歲之公民為調查對象,實體問卷收回682筆有效樣本,透過敘述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸探討不同性別、年齡、族群認定、國族認同以及政黨認同於政治態度與政治參與間的差異以及探討政治態度構面間之相關性,最後探討政治態度與政治參與的相關性及預測力。 研究結果指出,屏東縣客庄公民政治態度整體呈積極,唯「政治信任感」較消極。政黨認同呈現綠大於藍的態勢;國族認同以台灣人認同為多數;政治參與以「消極的政治參與」行為為主。投票考量以候選人的個人形象與選舉政見為主要考量。不同性別、年齡層、族群認定、國族認同、政黨認同在政治態度、政治參與以及投票考量上有顯著差異;政治態度構面間多具有相關性;政治態度與政治參與間多有相關性,「國家認同」、「民主價值」、「公民責任感」 與「政治信任感」對政治參與有預測力。 屏縣客庄閩南族群與客家族群在政治態度與政治參與是否有所不同?研究指出在政治態度整體、「公民責任感」、「政治效能感」以及「消極的政治參與」面,客家族群都較閩南族群來的更積極。投票考量面,客家族群較閩南族群更重視候選人的族群因素,但並不是其在選舉時首要考量因素。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the unwritten political tradition of Holo and Hakka in Pingtung County was broken, the political power of Hakka in Pingtung County started reducing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in political attitude and political participation between the Hakka and Holo in Pingtung County from the perspective of Political Psychology. With regard to the methodology and participants of the study, Taiwanese with citizenship aged 20 or above in Hakka Villages in Pingtung County were selected as the survey subject. A total number of 682 valid data were collected through questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis were applied to explore the differences between different genders, ages, ethnic identifications, national identities, and party identities in political attitude and political participation, discuss the relevance of political attitudes, and finally discuss the relevance and predictive power of political attitudes to political participation. The results of the study are that the overall political attitudes of the citizens of Hakka Villages in Pingtung County are positive, but their “political trust” is relatively negative. In terms of party identity, there is higher recognition with the DPP than with the KMT. For the part of national identity, Taiwanese identity is the majority. Political participation of the citizens living in Hakka Villages in Pingtung County mainly prefers “passive political participation”. Voting preferences are mainly based on the candidate’s personal image and election politics. Different genders, age groups, ethnic identifications, national identities, and party identities have significant differences in political attitudes, political participation, and voting considerations. The aspects of political attitudes are mostly related. The aspects of political attitudes and the aspects of political participation are mostly related. “National identity”, “democratic values”, “civic responsibility”, and “political trust” are predictive of political participation. Are there differences in political attitudes and political participation between Hakka and Holo in Pingtung County? The results revealed that the average score of overall political attitude, “civic responsibility”, “political efficacy” and “passive political participation”, Hakka is significantly higher than Holo. In terms of voting considerations, Hakka pays more attention to the ethnic factors of the candidates than Holo, but it is not the primary factor to considered in the election.en_US
DC.subjectPolitical attitudeen_US
DC.subjectpolitical participationen_US
DC.subjectethnic politicsen_US
DC.subjectPingtung Hakkaen_US
DC.titleA Case Study on the Political Attitude and Political Participation of Hakka Villages in Pingtung Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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