博碩士論文 109155002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Ta Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract《陽痿論》是現今所發現第一部以男性性功能障礙為主題的中醫書籍,由清代韓善徵於清光緒二十三年(1897)完成此書。韓氏因科舉失利後,以「不為良相,便為良醫」之念,時逢家鄉發生瘧疾,庸醫誤人死傷甚多,故自學吳門醫派,服膺葉天士、徐大椿。後為精進醫術,拜入孟河醫派,與費繩甫學醫。期間感悟民間濫補腎陽風氣依舊,傷人不淺,故著書《陽痿論》。 陽痿是知名度最高的隱疾,歷代的醫書對於陽痿疾病往往只有寥寥數行文字,論理不詳,甚至只有提供藥方而無藥性及藥理描述。過去醫者往往採用補陽方式做治療,韓善徵一反前人的論理,掃除對陽痿等同於陽虛的錯誤,他承繼朱震亨的思想,提出「真陽傷者固有,而真陰傷者實多」的見解。現今社會壯陽補腎之風依舊不減,實為世人對此病因有所誤解。本文藉由《陽痿論》手稿原文,參酌古代醫書及中醫典籍資料庫,研究書中的身體觀、醫理思想及用藥思路,該書傑出之處為後世中醫師帶來許多珍貴的參考價值。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTreatise on impotence, written by Han Shan Zheng in the 23rd year of Guang Xu (1897) in the Qing Dynasty, is the first Chinese medicine book with the erectile dysfunction as the theme discovered today. Mr. Han believed that “if cannot be a good minister, be a good doctor.” after his failure in the imperial examinations. When the malaria occurred in his hometown, the quack doctors mistakenly caused many deaths and injuries. Therefore, he self-studied the theories of Wumen medical school, and admired Yeh Tian Shi and Xu Da Zhuang. In order to improve his medical skills, he studied medicine with Menghe medical school and Fei Sheng Fu. During this period, he realized that the hobby of invigorating kidney and tonifying yang is still the same in the folk, and hurts a lot of people, so he wrote Treatise on impotence. Impotence is the most well-known unmentionable disease. In the medical books of the past dynasties, there are often only a few lines of text to describe the disease of impotence, and the rationale is unclear, and even only provides prescriptions without drug properties and pharmacological descriptions. In the past, tonifying yang methods were often used for treatment. Han Shan Zheng contradicted the previous reasoning, eliminated the mistake that impotence was caused by yang deficiency, and inherited the thoughts of Zhu Zhen Heng to put forward the opinion that “sapping one’s true yang is inherent, but sapping one’s true yin is really a lot.” In today’s society, the popularity of tonifying yang and invigorating kidney is still unabated, which is actually a misunderstanding about the disease cause. Based on the original manuscript of Treatise on impotence and referring to the database of ancient medical books and Chinese medicine classics, this article studies the thoughts on body, the medical thoughts and the medication ideas in Treatise on impotence, and Mr. Han’ s outstanding features have brought many precious values to later generations of Chinese medicine physicians. en_US
DC.subjectHan Shan Zhengen_US
DC.subjectTreatise on impotenceen_US
DC.subjectthoughts on bodyen_US
DC.subjectmedical thoughtsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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