博碩士論文 109222005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Han Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract普魯士藍的晶體結構具有將電池內游離的離子進行儲存的功能,且中心孔洞較大,能放入大多數的鹼金屬離子。晶體的結構也較穩定,進行多次的氧化還原反應,結構不容易改變,也就是相當於可充放電循環次數較多。普魯士藍的製作方式簡單、成本低、環保及理論電容量較大,是二次電池裡具有潛力的負極材料。 本實驗是沉澱法製作出樣品。在不同製程溫度下Na-FeFe普魯士藍會有不同的粒徑,利用X光繞射儀掃描Na-FeFe普魯士藍樣品,掃出來的X光繞射譜圖再用General Structure Analysis System (GSAS)結構精算軟體,以進行粒徑大小及特性分析。 進行二次鋰離子電池製備後,放入充放電儀以進行定電流充放電實驗。充放電測試完後,將其數據進行電池微分曲線圖、電壓曲線圖、電容曲線圖及電壓流程圖,以得知Na-FeFe普魯士藍二次鋰電池在不同粒徑的條件下其充放電效率如何,在變電流的情況下,對電池的充放電影響,和若是將電池停止充放電一天後,充放電效率會變得如何。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe crystal structure of Prussian blue has the function of storing free ions in the battery, and the central hole is large, which can accommodate most alkali metal ions. The structure of the crystal is also relatively stable, and the structure is not easily changed after repeated redox reactions, which is equivalent to a large number of charge-discharge cycles. Prussian blue has the advantages of simple production method, low cost, environmental protection and large theoretical electric capacity. It is a potential negative electrode material in secondary batteries. In this experiment, the samples were prepared by the precipitation method. Na-FeFe Prussian blue will have different particle sizes at different process temperatures. The Na-FeFe Prussian blue sample is scanned with an X-ray diffractometer, and the scanned X-ray diffraction spectrum is then used to structure the General Structure Analysis System (GSAS) Actuarial software for particle size and characteristic analysis. After the secondary lithium-ion battery was prepared, it was put into a charge-discharge apparatus to conduct a constant-current charge-discharge experiment. After the charge and discharge test is completed, the data is subjected to the battery differential curve, voltage curve, capacitance curve and voltage flow chart to know the charge and discharge efficiency of the Na-FeFe Prussian blue secondary lithium battery under the conditions of different particle sizes. How, in the case of variable current, the impact on the charging and discharging of the battery, and how the charging and discharging efficiency will become if the battery is stopped for one day after charging and discharging.en_US
DC.subjectPrussian blueen_US
DC.subjectlithium batteryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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