博碩士論文 109322055 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShi-Qi Zhuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe strength of cold-mix foamed asphalt concrete was increasing by time and it is influenced by the moisture evaporation. The Clegg impact hammer is adopted to control the field quality of cold-mix foamed asphalt concrete by Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of The Interior in Taiwan. there are a few studies of the relationship between the CIV of Clegg impact hammer and the indirect tensile strength. The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between CIV and indirect tensile strength of Cold-mix foamed asphalt concrete. Storage conditions are referenced the weather condition of Taiwan, and the section design is based on the construction specification. The CIV, the indirect tensile strength, and water content were measured at various curing time. Based on the results, there was high positive logarithmic correlative between water content and indirect tensile strength. There was high positive exponential correlative between indirect tensile strength and CIV of section, and the development of the lab. and field section strength was different. Based on above, the strength development different could be the water content of lab. specimen and field section. It is feasible to adopt CIV to predict indirect tensile strength of Cold-mix foamed asphalt concrete and Clegg impact hammer is the good quality control in filed. The strength development of lab. section also was separated into early period and late period by CIV 50 in this study. At the early period, the behavior of cold-mix foamed asphalt concrete was similar to cement treated soil. At the late period, the cold-mix foamed asphalt concrete property was closed to asphalt concrete behavior. Both of the early and late period, the Clegg impact hammer is the immediately equipment to evaluate the pavement strength, it worthy of further studying and application.en_US
DC.subjectCold-mix foamed asphalt concreteen_US
DC.subjectClegg impact hammeren_US
DC.subjectindirect tensile strengthen_US
DC.titleThe study of Relationship between Clegg Impact Hammer and Indirect Tensile Strength in laboratory – taking Cold Recycled Foam Asphalt Concrete as a sampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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