博碩士論文 109325014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHuang-Li Syuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於經濟快速發展,營建工程之範圍及規模逐漸增大,工程契約愈趨於繁瑣。工程 生命週期從起始、規劃、設計、施工至使用維護階段不乏產生爭議。如爭議屬單純契約 規定、法律規章或權利義務關係等,司職審判之法官於單純法律問題判斷固然不成問題, 但工程爭議涉及領域不僅於法律條文,通常亦包含專業技術及專業工程知識領域,且工 程爭議皆具有一定複雜性及困難度。而法官所具備的知識或一般經驗法則,因缺乏工程 專業知識往往難以通盤了解,我國民法對於契約之解釋方法雖未設有明文,惟按我國民 法第 1 條規定:「民事,法律所未規定者,依習慣;無習慣者,依法理」,是以工程契約之 解釋,如法律未設有相關規定者,得參酌工程習慣予以解釋。尤其當契約條款模糊不清 時,工程慣例將可作為解釋當事人真意之參考依據。特別是涉及工程爭議時,工程慣例 之引用,不論在調解、仲裁或是訴訟等處理方式都頗為常見。因此當事人間對於工程慣 例之形成、認定或確信則可能因立場與角色不同,而有針鋒相對的認知。基於上述理由, 本研究由過往之司法判決與案例出發,透過篩選及分析後整理常見之爭議類型,並提出 一項可被接受的「工程慣例」所需具備之代表性原則由「可檢驗性」、「習慣法要件」、「證 據方法」、「國際慣例」組成。而工程慣例對於當事人具有相當於法律效力的通例或透過 法院判決得到驗證,具有契約漏洞之填補效力。其運用應視爭議案件屬性、爭議內容不 同而有不同解釋,若是作為裁判者之價值補充方式,應是其採用論述的邏輯與案例累積, 以誠實信用原則作為基礎。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractModernity brings with it a construction industry whose complexity grows in terms of technology and contractual relationship. The life cycle of a construction project never runs short of disputes which often end up in courts. Primarily due to the complexity of a construction dispute, the court sometimes must seek professional examinations or opinions from specialties in helping deciding the dispute case. In addition to interpreting the contract terms, laws and underlying facts, the court may also rely on the use of engineering customs or practices, as a form of law, to decide a case. Such engineering customs/practices come from those who proclaim or are regarded as “experts”, and are presented in the form of expert opinions.According to Civil Code Clause 1, the effect of such engineering customs is paramount to that of law, and therefore would form the conclusive reasoning to a construction dispute. The purpose of this study is to justify the use of engineering customs for construction disputes, and to identify the operable standards or guidelines as thresholds for qualifying a particular engineering custom. This study will conduct an industry-wide questionnaire survey, covering the roles of the employer, the consultant, the contractor, dispute lawyers, and related specialists. The outcome of the survey will be tested statistically and form the conclusions of this study. This study will also adopt the standards/guidelines in selected construction dispute cases, to demonstrate the practicality of this findings.en_US
DC.subjectConstruction disputeen_US
DC.subjectengineering customen_US
DC.subjectcourt judgment analysisen_US
DC.title「工程慣例」認定標準與分析方法之研究- 以常見工程爭議為核心zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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