博碩士論文 109355014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMei-Chuan Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自 2016 年起政府大力推動再生能源已具初步成效,2022年 3 月 太陽光電裝置容量已達 8.045GW,成長 5.46 倍;由於國際供應鏈減碳要求、用電大戶條款(2021 年 1 月起, 契約容量 5,000 瓩以上電力用戶,須於 5 年內設置契約容量 10%之再生能源),以及未來碳費徵收等因素,皆促使綠電需求增加。2021年4月22日世界地球日蔡總統同時也宣示,2050淨零轉型是全世界的目標,也是臺灣的目標,同時可翻轉台灣依賴國際進口的高風險,使進口能源依存度由 2021 年 97.4%,降至 2050 年 50%以下,降低國際能源市場衝擊與價格波動對我國能源安全影響。太陽能因其穩定性高、危險性低尤其受到矚目,在我國具有相當之發展空間。隨著國內電廠需求急遽增加,太陽光電產業所需人才也越顯重要。每個太陽能電廠建置都希望能藉由執行專案管理使工程能順利圓滿結束,採購發包人員屬工程專案之重要一員,而採購人員的養成教育多倚賴經驗的累積,但往往工程結束後經驗與知識即隨之離去,內隱知識不易留存、擴散與分享。因此,本研究希望藉由美國專案管理協會所編纂的專案管理知識體系導讀指南(A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,PMBOK® Guide)為骨幹,並參考兩家EPC商之實務案例資料,建構出太陽能電廠專案採購知識地圖,該知識地圖包括了太陽能電廠EPC專案採購流程圖、太陽能電廠EPC專案採購作業核心工作表及太陽能電廠EPC專案採購發包項目表及重點。本研究以專家訪談的方式驗證本研究成果之可行性,故本研究完成的知識地圖可做為採購人員在執行各階段不同工作時參考的作業手冊。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince 2016, the government′s vigorous promotion of renewable energy has achieved initial outcomes. In March 2022, the solar photovoltaic installation capacity has reached 8.045GW, an increase of 5.46 times. Due to carbon reduction requirements for international supply chain and power users with a contracted capacity (more than 5,000 kW must set up renewable energy sources with 10% of the contracted capacity within 5 years) as well as the future carbon fee collection and other factors, all promote the increase in demand for green electricity. On the World Earth Day in 2021, President Tsai also declared that the 2050 net-zero transition is the goal of the world and also the goal of Taiwan. At the same time, it can reverse the high risk of Taiwan′s dependence on international imports, and reduce the dependence on imported energy from 97.4% in 2021, down to less than 50% in 2050, reducing the impact of international energy market shocks and price fluctuations on China′s energy security. Solar energy has attracted much attention because of its high stability and low risk, and has considerable room for development in Taiwan. With the rapid increase in the demand for domestic power plants, the talents required by the photovoltaic industry are becoming more and more important. Every solar power plant construction hopes that the project can be successfully completed through the implementation of project management. The procurement and contracting personnels are important member of the solar power plant project, and the training and education of the personnels relies on the accumulation of experience. However, the end of the project is commonly the same as the experience. Knowledge then leaves, and tacit knowledge is not easy to save, spread and share. Therefore, this research uses the PMBOK® as the backbone, and refer to the practical case data of two EPC companies to construct the knowledge map of solar power plant project procurement, which includes the solar power plant EPC project procurement flow chart, the solar power plant EPC project procurement essential worksheet, and the procurement list for solar power plant EPC project and related key elements. This research verifies the feasibility of the research outcomes by means of expert interviews. Therefore, the knowledge map completed in this research can be used as a work manual for procurement personnels to refer to when performing different tasks at various stages.en_US
DC.subjectRenewable energyen_US
DC.subjectSolar Photovoltaicen_US
DC.subjectProject Managementen_US
DC.subjectKnowledge Mapen_US
DC.subjectProject Procurementen_US
DC.titleEstablishment of Knowledge Map for Procurement Works of Solar Power Plant EPC Projecten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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