博碩士論文 109355015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Teng Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來提倡節能減碳及落實環境永續係國際趨勢,而台灣在此趨勢下正面臨全國總用電量年年攀升及缺電限電等能源議題,找尋能源替代方案或提升節能效益則成了全國政府機關及能源產業之焦點;而台灣照明系統全年總用電量將近300億度,約占全國總電力消耗10.6 %,其中公用道路路燈因分佈範圍廣及數量龐大,國內政府機關為推行節能減碳政策,逐步推動將傳統路燈換裝為LED路燈,希冀藉由LED路燈可較傳統路燈節能70%之特性,達成節能減碳及節省公庫電費支出之效益。爰此,自2014年起國內政府機關陸續推動傳統路燈換裝為LED路燈,並同時導入PFI(Private Finance Initiative,民間融資提案)採購模式,以訂定長期契約方式,由民間機構投資興建路燈設施及維護管理。此作法乃係由政府機關購買路燈建置與維護之公共服務契約模式,惟PFI係屬國內新型態採購模式,多數政府機關缺乏PFI模式採購案之履約實務經驗,履約管理過程可能衍生相關履約爭議。本研究以桃園市政府養護工程處2019年辦理之「桃園市全面換裝節能(智能)路燈暨維護案」為例,彙整其執行流程及契約重點工作事項,藉由分析其規劃、履約及績效評核階段產生之相關問題點,提出對應之改善策略,以改善履約管理機制,以期可供爾後政府機關做為辦理PFI模式路燈採購案之履約管理機制參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the promotion of energy conservation, carbon reduction and the implementation of environmental sustainability are essential international trends. With these trends, Taiwan is facing energy issues such as the annual increase in the national total electricity consumption and power shortages. It is necessary to find alternative energy solutions or to improve the performance of energy conservation. It has become the focus of government agencies and the energy industry across the country. While the total electricity consumption of Taiwan’s lighting system is nearly 30 billion kWh, accounting for about 10.6% of the national total electricity consumption. Therefore, public street lights are targeted for achieving government policy in the past few years because their wide distribution and large amount. Domestic government agencies implement the policy of energy saving and carbon reduction, and gradually promote the replacement of traditional street light with LED street light. It is hoped that LED street light can save energy by 70% compared with traditional street light, so as to achieve the benefits of energy saving and carbon reduction and saving electricity bills in the public treasury. Since 2014, domestic government agencies have successively promoted the comprehensive replacement of traditional street light with LED street light. At the same time, the PFI (Private Finance Initiative) procurement model with long-term contracts duration is implemented, in which private institutions invest in the installation of street light facilities and maintain them after installation. This is an approach that government agencies purchase public services of street light installation, operation and maintenance. However, PFI is a new type of procurement model in Taiwan. Most government agencies lack the practical experience of contract management in PFI procurement model, the process of contract management may result in related contract disputes. This study takes the “Taoyuan City Comprehensive Renovation of Energy-Saving (Smart) Street Light and Maintenance Procurement Case” implemented by the Office of Road and Accessory Maintenance of the Taoyuan City Government in 2019 as an example. This study identifies its execution processes and key contract management works, and analyze its dispute issues in planning, contract management and performance evaluation stage. For identified dispute issues, this study proposes corresponding improvement strategies to improve the contract management mechanism. The outcomes of this study can provide other government agencies for better contract management mechanism in implementing PFI procurement model to street light procurement case.en_US
DC.subjectLED street lighten_US
DC.subjectstreet lighten_US
DC.subjectsmart street lighten_US
DC.subjectcontract management mechanismen_US
DC.titleResearch on improving the contract management mechanism of PFI procurement - taking Taoyuan City′s smart street light procurement cases as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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