博碩士論文 109421060 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGuan-Ling Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著資訊科技的發展以及社會人口的變遷,許多產業與產業之間的界線逐漸消弭,快速轉變的外在環境使得音樂人才對於跨領域的需求性也越來越高,然而過去跨領域課程研究較少「音樂」與其他科目結合的領域。因此本研究探討音樂跨領域教育面臨的挑戰與契機,並以清大音樂科技與健康學分學程為例,說明課程的實施狀況與課程績效,為後續跨領域音樂教育提供課程設計的方向與建議。 本研究以自然主義的研究法收集質性資料,資料包括訪問國立清華大學音樂科技與健康學分學程之學生、教師和業師、學程相關文件以及學程課程內容,並將所收集的質性資料進行分類,最後以內容分析法分析訪談資料。首先本研究採用重理解的課程設計(Wiggins & McTighe, 1998)為理論,來提出一個音樂跨領域教育課程設計整合理論架構,架構主要由「確定課程概念」、「課程評估調整」及「課程發展」三個部分組成。接著,本研究彙整出音樂跨領域教育面臨的挑戰包含「學生在跨領域學習當中的迷惘與不自信」、「學生性質差異較大」、「學校機構現有制度、設備及資源對開發跨領域課程的限制」、「缺乏融合跨學科知識的教學框架」、「教師專精於單一學科而缺乏跨學科教育內容知識」。最後,本研究建議清大音樂科技與健康學分學程長期以成立系所為目標,能更完善規劃及管理相關資源;短期則可藉由本研究之課程框架、課外輔助活動以及終身學習要點來降低跨領域教育挑戰對課程的影響。本研究希望上述建議可以提供未來音樂跨領域教育課程實施上的參考,以及後續課程設計研究之方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the development of information technology and demographic changes in society, the boundaries between industries are gradually dissolving, and the fast-changing external environment has led to an increasing demand for music talents in interdisciplinary fields. Therefore, this study examines the challenges and opportunities of cross-disciplinary music education, and uses the example of the Music Technology and Health sub-degree program at National Tsing Hua University to illustrate the implementation status and performance of the program, and to provide curriculum design directions and suggestions for the future of cross-disciplinary music education. This study collected qualitative data through a naturalistic research method, including interviews with students, teachers, and instructors of the Music Technology and Health credit program at National Tsing Hua University, documents related to the credit program, and course content. Firstly, this study adopts the theory of Understanding by Design (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998) to propose an integrated theoretical framework for curriculum design in music interdisciplinary education, which consists of three parts: " Identify desired results ", " Determine evidence", and " Learning plan ". The study then identified the challenges of interdisciplinary music education, including "students′ confusion and lack of confidence in interdisciplinary learning", "students′ greater diversity in temperament", "limitations of school institutions′ existing systems, facilities, and resources in developing interdisciplinary curriculum", "lack of a teaching framework that integrates interdisciplinary knowledge", and "teachers′ lack of content knowledge in interdisciplinary education due to their specialization in a single discipline". Finally, this study suggests that the long term goal of the Music Technology and Health sub-degree program at National Tsing Hua University should be to establish a department to better plan and manage resources, while in the short term, the curriculum framework, extra-curricular activities, and lifelong learning elements of this study can be used to reduce the impact of cross-disciplinary education challenges on the program. It is hoped that the above recommendations will provide a reference for the implementation of future music interdisciplinary education programs and a direction for subsequent curriculum design research.en_US
DC.titleLearning Music = Learning Instruments? Challenges and Opportunities for Music Education Across Fields - An Example of the Music Technology and Health Credit Program at Tsinghua Universityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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