博碩士論文 109450031 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPei-Ling Sunen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract回顧21世紀,世界上發生許多大事件,其中在2001年11月中國正式加入世貿組織,藉由大量農民工成就了中國世界工廠的地位,讓全世界創造了低利率環境,美國亦債台高築。唐納·約翰·川普,美國第45屆總統,就任後隨即在2018年期間展開一連串貿易逆差調查並正式啟動貿易戰的序幕。2019年,中美貿易戰的高峰期,全球企業面對的經營風險急遽升高。2020年初,新冠疫情在全球的大爆發 (新冠肺炎;COVID-19) 在全球市場埋下更多不確定的因素。 本研究欲研究美中貿易戰下迫使全球製造產業重新檢視下一個中國的製造基地規劃過程。了解企業如何將危機變為轉機,透過產業鏈移動如何穩定供應鏈平穩地推進到東南亞,重新佈局尋求出一套新的獲利模式。研究的視角以個案質性研究的方式採取隱性的觀察者,透過觀察,次級資料收集與企業高層訪談了解企業能如何迴避市場的不確定風險並快速回應客戶需求提高營業毛利;然而,一個企業生產基地移轉的成功與否與企業的核心經營策略、產業環境評估、組織活動等息息相關。分析結果發現美中貿易戰下產生的供應風險、需求風險以及產業風險對於企業經營績效會帶來負面的影響,持續的改善活動並配合積極的策略佈局以期降低供應鏈風險。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLooking back at the major events from the 21st century,especially when China officially joined the WTO in November 2001, China has become the world′s factory with a large number of migrant workers, it created a low interest rate environment, and the United States is also in debt and continues to climb. Donald John Trump, the 45th President of the United States, immediate launched many trade deficit investigations during 2018. In 2019, the operational risks faced by global companies have risen sharply at the height of the US-China trade war. At the beginning of 2020, the global outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic has hidden more uncertainties in the global market. This research intends to study the US-China trade war forcing the global manufacturing industry to redefine the planning process to seek expansion rather than China manufacturing. Learn how to solve a crisis, how to stabilize the supply chain through the movement of the industrial chain, and smoothly transfer to Southeast Asia, finally to re-deploy and seek for a new profit model. The research perspective adopts an implicit observer in a case-by-case qualitative study. Through observation, secondary data collection and corporate executive interviews, from the perspective of this research, how to resolve the market uncertainties and quickly respond to customer needs to improve operating margins; however, a success transfer of the production base is closely related to the business strategy、industrial environment assessment and organizational activities. According to the analysis results, it shows that the supply risk, demand risk and industrial risk arising from the US-China trade war, these are negative effects will impact to the operational performances. Therefore, a specific improvement plan and strategic thinking will help to reduce supply chain risks in further.en_US
DC.subjectU.S.-China tradeen_US
DC.subjectSupply chain reconfigurationen_US
DC.subjectSupply chain risken_US
DC.subjectSoutheast Asiaen_US
DC.subjectOperational performanceen_US
DC.title美中貿易衝突下之供應鏈風險及再佈局 - 以A公司為例(網路通訊)zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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