博碩士論文 109454023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Wei Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究分析了空氣污染物與冠狀動脈心臟病之間的相關性,實證資料採用2010年至2019年共計10年臺灣各縣市的總體資料,主要資料來源為衛生福利部全民健康保險資料庫「門、住診合計就醫總醫療費用統計」及「門、住診合計就醫人數統計」、行政院環境保護署「歴年空污監測資料」所建構而成。本研究使用OLS迴歸及固定效果進行實證分析,依變數為冠狀動脈心臟病每10萬人就診率及醫療支出,自變數包含懸浮微粒(PM10)、二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)、一氧化碳(CO)、臭氧(O3),控制變數包含男性人口數、女性人口數、人口結構、年份。從OLS迴歸實證結果顯示,懸浮微粒(PM10)濃度增加1 μg/?3、二氧化硫(SO2)濃度增加1 ppb及二氧化氮(NO2)濃度增加1 ppb,對冠狀動脈心臟病每10萬人的就診率呈現正向且顯著的影響,分別會造成每10萬人口25人、467人及54人的冠狀動脈心臟病就診率。然而,懸浮微粒(PM10)濃度增加1 μg/?3、二氧化硫(SO2)濃度增加1 ppb,對冠狀動脈心臟病每10萬人醫療支出呈現正向且顯著的影響,分別會造成每10萬人醫療支出增加769,666元、1,050,000元。另一方面,固定效果與OLS迴歸估計結果大致相同,固定效果實證結果顯示,懸浮微粒(PM10)濃度增加1 μg/?3、二氧化硫(SO2)濃度增加1 ppb及二氧化氮(NO2) 濃度增加1 ppb,對冠狀動脈心臟病每10萬人的就診率呈現正向且顯著的影響,分別會造成每10萬人口26人、476人及55人的冠狀動脈心臟病就診率。懸浮微粒(PM10)濃度增加1 μg/?3、二氧化硫(SO2)濃度增加1 ppb,對冠狀動脈心臟病每10萬人醫療支出呈現正向且顯著的影響,分別會造成每10萬人醫療支出增加807,199元、1,130,000元。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study analyzes the correlation between air pollutants and Coronary Artery Disease. The empirical data are based on the overall data of Taiwan′s counties from 2010 to 2019. The main data sources are "Statistics of the outpatient visits " and "Statistics on medical expenses" of the Ministry of health and welfare database, and "annual air pollution monitoring data" of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. This study uses OLS regression and fixed effect for empirical analysis. The Dependent variables were Coronary Artery Disease visits per one hundred thousand people and medical expenditures, the independent variables include PM10, SO2, NO2, CO and O3, and the control variables include male, female, population structure and year. The results from OLS regression show that the concentration of PM10 increases by 1μg/?3, SO2 increases by 1 ppb and NO2 increases by 1 ppb have a positive and significant impact on the visit rate of Coronary Artery Disease for per one hundred thousand people, resulting in 25, 467 and 54 visit rate of Coronary Artery Disease for per one hundred thousand people, respectively. However, the concentration of PM10 increases by 1μg/?3 and SO2 increases by 1 ppb will have a positive and significant impact on the medical expenditure of Coronary Artery Disease for per one hundred thousand people, resulting in 769,666 NT dollars and 1,050,000 NT dollars respectively. On the other hand, the fixed effect is roughly the same as the OLS regression estimation results. The results from fixed effect show that the concentration of PM10 increases by 1μg/?3, SO2 increases by 1 ppb and NO2 increases by 1 ppb have a positive and significant impact on the visit rate of Coronary Artery Disease for per one hundred thousand people, resulting in 26, 476 and 55 visit rate of Coronary Artery Disease for per one hundred thousand people respectively. However, the concentration of PM10 increases by 1μg/?3 and SO2 increases by 1 ppb will have a positive and significant impact on the medical expenditure of Coronary Artery Disease for per one hundred thousand people, resulting in 807,199 NT dollars and 1,130,000 NT dollars respectively.en_US
DC.subjectAir pollutionen_US
DC.subjectCoronary Artery Diseaseen_US
DC.titleAir pollution and Coronary Artery Disease medical diagnosis rate and expenditure researchen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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