博碩士論文 109458008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Ching Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以A銀行某分行於新冠肺炎疫情期間辦理紓困貸款業務進行個案研究,探討何種產業在疫情期間影響甚鉅、紓困政策是否能帶給企業實質效應,以及A銀行是否能在辦理紓困貸款時,達到風險控管及開發業務兩者兼顧之局面。最後,亦針對A銀行執行紓困貸款業務做SWOT分析,以提供A銀行未來經營方向建議。 本研究樣本資料採用A銀行北部某分行2020年及2021年申請紓困貸款之企業財務資料,所獲研究結果分述如下: 一、受疫情影響最嚴重的產業為住宿及餐飲業,其次為批發及零售業,而內需導向的其他服務業也影響甚鉅。 二、雖然銀行針對紓困貸款案件審核會採取較寬鬆標準,但依然會根據客戶的信用狀況、公司未來營收評估,故風險管理尚在可控範圍。 三、縱使紓困客戶的財務狀況不盡理想,但若符合信保基金承保標準,銀行多採無差別核准貸款,顯示紓困貸款政策之重要,並對企業有實質效應。 四、本研究亦具有政策及管理意涵,首先,建議政府在紓困補助外,亦應著重輔導企業轉型;另外,建議企業在獲得紓困資金後,亦應省思未來發展。 五、銀行藉由辦理紓困貸款,確實與新客戶增加業務往來機會;然而,若要與客戶建立長久往來關係,建議A銀行宜加強金融科技服務及思考業務轉型。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to study the characteristics of relief loan borrowers by using the borrowers’ data from a branch of Bank A during the COVID-19 pandemic time. The research questions are as follows. First, I investigate firms in which industries have been more negatively impacted, and if the governmental policy regarding relief loans are helpful for those firms. Second, I study whether Bank A is able to balance out the opportunity of developing business relations with those relief loan borrowers, while can still keep its level of lending risk under control. Finally, I conduct a SWOT analysis for Bank A which specifically focuses on the borrowers’ characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic time, so as to provide suggestions for Bank A’s possible future business direction. This study employs the de-identified financial data of companies applying for relief loans in 2020 and 2021 from a northern branch of Bank A. My main research conclusions are as follows: 1.Firms in the “accommodation and catering” industry are greatly impacted during the pandemic, followed by those in the “wholesale and retail” industry, as well as those in “other service” industry as they mostly rely on demand from domestic markets. 2.Bank A’s lending risk is limited although it has adopted looser standards for lending the relief loans, since the lending decisions still depends on clients′ credit status and predicted revenue that business may earn after they receive the loans. 3.Although most relief loan borrowers do not have the best credit records, Bank A has approved their applications if they meet the minimum underwriting standards that issued by the Credit Insurance Fund, as a part of those loans will be guaranteed by the Fund. This demonstrates the coordination among institutions under the supervision of government has helped the distressed firms during the pandemic time. 4.The policy implication of this study are as follows. On the one hand, in addition to the relief subsidies, the government could also work on guiding distressed firms to improve their competitiveness. On the other hand, it is suggested that these firms may consider strategies which allow them to improve their business after obtaining the relief funds. 5.After approving more relief loan applications, Bank A has indeed won some new business clients. However, in order to establish long-term relationships with these new clients, it is recommended that Bank A strengthens its provision of FinTech services, and probably refocus its business scope by including these young clients with smaller size of businesses.en_US
DC.subjectRelief Loanen_US
DC.subjectBank Lending Businessen_US
DC.subjectSWOT Analysisen_US
DC.titleCharacteristics of relief loan borrowers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of a branch of Bank Aen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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