博碩士論文 109523058 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Chun Wanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著5G網路的普及,帶來了更多不同的工業與生活應用,在未來有更多的網路設備需求出現,為了滿足大量資料所需的高頻寬與及時資料要求的低延遲網路環境,加強5G資料層封包轉發機制為重要課題。與過去解決方案不同的是,本篇將資料層轉發功能交由ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)晶片處理,如此較不受限於CPU的能力限制,以硬體架構面對接下來大量資料流的網路應用。 本篇著重於5G UPF(User Plane Function)的轉發功能,利用P4可程式化的特性來實現5G資料層封包轉發。P4(Programming Protocol-independent Packet Processors)可自定義的特性使的網路應用更加廣泛,因此在本篇架構中,在5G核心網路運行後,藉由SMF(Session Management Function)與UPF之間的PFCP協議中的資料,直接提取需要的使用者資料並寫入P4 Pipeline當中,以此完成 P4-UPF 封包轉發功能。架構中也會利用一執行檔模擬控制層,其可利用P4 SDE(Software Development Environment)完成P4的編譯,並透過Barefoot-Runtime由控制層下達指令至 P4-UPF Pipeline當中。本篇架構並非直接加入現有的控制層方案,因整體架構建構在SONiC(Software for Open Networking in the Cloud)之中,利用SONiC將軟硬體分離的特性,在未來擁有更多的延伸研究。實驗結果顯示,P4-UPF相比5G UPF能夠有更高的頻寬,並且能夠提供低延遲、更穩定的網路環境,實驗結果中也呈現了P4-UPF架構亦能夠達到影音串流的網路應用。以上架構不僅提供了更多的開發靈活性,在未來也能融合P4透過使用者設計達到QoS(Quality of Service)、資料層遙測等研究,以應用在更多樣的網絡場域。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the popularization of 5G network, it enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines and devices,that is to say, there will be more demand for network equipment in the future. In order to meet high bandwidth and low-latency network environment, it is important to enhance the ability for packet forwarding in 5G user plane. Different from the past solutions, our architecture will offload packet forwarding function to the ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) chip from CPU, so that it is not limited by the capability of the CPU. Hardware is helpful to face the large amount of data flow with massive network applications in the future. This article focuses on the forwarding data plane in 5G UPF(User Plane Function), and our design uses the programmable P4(Programming Protocol-independent Packet Processors) pipeline to realize fast packet forwarding in 5G data plane. The flexibility and customizable features of P4 make the network application more extensive. Therefore, in our architecture, the user data between 5G SMF(Session Management Function) and UPF will be eventually extracted into P4 pipeline. The execution file is for simulating the control plane, it will use the package in the P4 SDE(Software Development Environment) to issue commands from the control plane to the P4-UPF Pipeline through Barefoot-Runtime. This article uses this to simulate the control layer instead of directly adding the existing control layer solution to the architecture. Because the overall architecture is built in SONiC(Software for Open Networking in the Cloud), SONiC is used to decouple software and hardware. In the future, other related solutions can be used to combine with our architecture with control plane solutions to achieve better architecture extension characteristics. The experimental results show that P4-UPF has higher bandwidth than 5G UPF, and provides a lower latency and more stable network environment. The experimental results also show that the P4-UPF architecture can achieve video streaming application. The above architecture not only provides higher flexibility, but can also achieve QoS(Quality of Service), data plane telemetry and other research with P4, also the architecture could be applied to more diverse network fields in the future.en_US
DC.subject5G UPFzh_TW
DC.subject5G UPFen_US
DC.title5G 資料層功能卸載: 基於 P4 之 5G 資料層的實作與部署zh_TW
DC.title5G UPF Offloading : P4-Enabled 5G User Plane Function Implementationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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