博碩士論文 109525005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Lun Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractRPA (Robotic Process Automation) 機器人流程自動化為近幾年來盛行的 新興軟體技術,是以軟體機器人及人工智慧為基礎的自動化科技,應用於重複性 的作業流程,透過 RPA 的幫助可以讓使用者在短時間內編排出適合情境的腳本 完成自動化流程,得以降低人力成本同時提高工作效率。 Robotiive 為本實驗室所開發的 RPA 軟體,具備了 Low Code 的性質,能 夠讓非資訊工程專業的使用者不須編寫程式碼也能編排各種操作流程完成自動 化腳本。 在實際的案例中,使用者在編寫腳本時,由於操作的種類較多,每種操作對 參數的要求不盡相同,在屬性面板上也不會出現相應的提示,常常會發生使用者 完成一整套腳本的參數設定後去執行才發現腳本中設定了錯誤的參數,導致腳本 執行結果跟理想不同,甚至無法執行腳本,之後使用者需要回頭追溯是哪些參數 錯誤,使得花費更多成本在編寫腳本上。 為了讓使用者能夠更直覺地去編寫腳本,本論文在現有的 RPA 架構上提出 了自動修正參數的方法,運用工廠模式中控制反轉 (Inversion of Control) 的特 性,使得各種參數的 UI 元件不與修正方式互相依賴。除了能夠衍伸修正方式之 外,在面對新的參數定義時,也不需要大幅度的修改程式碼,只需要針對新的修 正方式進行實作即可完成。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRPA (Robotic Process Automation) is an emerging software technology that has become popular in recent years. It is an automation technology based on software robots and artificial intelligence. It is applied to repetitive work processes. With the help of RPA, users can make short-term Scripts suitable for the situation can be programmed in time to complete the automated process, which can reduce labor costs and improve work efficiency. The RPA software developed by Robotiive for this laboratory has the nature of Low Code, which enables non-information engineering users to arrange various operational processes to complete automated scripts without writing code. In an actual case, when a user writes a script, due to the variety of operations, each operation has different requirements for parameters, and no corresponding prompt will appear on the property panel. It often happens that the user completes a After the parameters of the entire script are set, it is found that the wrong parameters are set in the script, which causes the script execution result to be different from the ideal, and even the script cannot be executed. After that, the user needs to trace back which iii parameters are wrong, which makes it more expensive to write the script. superior. In order to allow users to write scripts more intuitively, this paper proposes a method of automatically correcting parameters based on the existing RPA architecture, using the Inversion of Control feature in the factory pattern, so that the UI components of various parameters do not. Depends on the correction method. In addition to being able to extend the correction method, when faced with new parameter definitions, it does not need to significantly modify the code, and only needs to implement the new correction method to complete.en_US
DC.title應用設計模式於 RPA 軟體 實作低維護成本的屬性面板自動修正功能zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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