博碩士論文 109757002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiung- Fang Liangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract儀式是文化認知和社會文化蛻變、轉化的關鍵機制,影響個人及群體的價值觀,對融合建構文化有其存在性的意義。喪祭儀禮即是道德濡化的實踐方式,透過逐項科儀的安排,不獨助遺族對生命價值的體察與善始善終,在潛移默化中完成了倫理素養 ,在孝行祀奉的展現上更臻圓滿。 「展演」源於西方宗教脈絡,是歷史、文化的再現,視為在儀式中一種展現內涵的表現型式,以「展示」與「演出」的方式來傳播教義、安頓亡靈與教化生者;這種帶有戲劇性的演行行為是頗具內在張力的本質,透過層層儀式和行動向死者表達深切哀思,同時也賦予深遠的蘊意與文化性。而客家喪葬拔渡儀式即是兼具「戲劇式」、「文化性」的展演,科儀演行獨特,多元面向以動作連結亡靈與孝眷之間的心靈交會,屬於一種悲傷輔導的一個意義存在,它是可以幫助喪親家眷適時的情緒釋放,亦展露儀節主體的意識與文化精神。 喪禮儀式是人生終末的一場禮讚,最顯肅穆莊嚴,客莊沿襲「禮莫重於喪」之節,以釋教喪葬拔渡法事為亡魂所「做功德」的儀式,稱之「做齋仔」。一場拔渡儀式的進程,對遺族旨在表達孝思,同時也飲水思源。對昔今傳統客家「做齋仔」儀式的形成或流變,展演性教化的重要性及科儀意涵為何?希冀透過實際的田野材料,來記錄保存桃園地區式微的傳統客家「做齋仔」儀式,同時分析這一生命禮儀的意義、結構,呈現展演的形式不同面向與教化內涵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRituals are the key mechanisms for cultural cognition and social and cultural transformation, influencing the values of individuals and groups, and having their existential significance for the integration and construction of culture. The funeral rites are the practice of moral enrichment, and through the arrangement of each item of rituals, they not only help the bereaved to perceive the value of life and start and end well, but also complete the ethical literacy in a subtle way, and perfect the display of filial piety and worship. Originating from the Western religious context, "exhibition and performance" is a reproduction of history and culture, and is regarded as a manifestation of connotation in the ceremony, spreading doctrine, settling the dead and educating the living in the form of "display" and "performance"; This dramatic act is the essence of the inner tension, expressing deep mourning for the deceased through layers of rituals and actions, while also giving it a profound meaning and culture. The Hakka funeral ceremony is a dramatic and cultural performance, the ritual performance is unique, multi-faceted to connect the spiritual intersection between the undead and filial piety with actions, which belongs to a kind of sad counseling, which can help the bereaved family members to release their emotions in a timely manner, and also show the consciousness and cultural spirit of the main body of the ceremony. The funeral ceremony is a ceremony at the end of life, the most solemn and solemn, kezhuang follows the festival of "etiquette is more important than mourning", with the ritual of "doing merit" for the souls of the dead, called "doing jaizai". The process of a plucking ceremony aims to express filial piety to the bereaved, while also drinking water and thinking of the source. What is the importance of the ritualization of performance and the meaning of rituals for the formation or flow of the traditional Hakka ritual of "making fasting" in the past and present? It is hoped that through the actual field materials, the traditional Hakka "doing Zaizai" ceremony will be recorded and preserved in the Taoyuan area, and the meaning and structure of this life ritual will be analyzed, and the different aspects and indoctrination connotations of the form of the exhibition will be presented.en_US
DC.subjectperforming ritualsen_US
DC.subjectBuddhist teachingen_US
DC.subjectbeing a Zhaizien_US
DC.title客莊傳統「做齋仔」展演性科儀之研究 : 以桃園廣雲壇為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe Performance Kyi Research of the Hakzhung Tradition 「Tsok Tsai Eh」: A Case Study of Kuan Yun Altar in Taoyuanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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