博碩士論文 109757018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Chiu Luen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 在都市現代化的影響過程中,文明社會的高度化帶來新技術,醫療科技的發達加上社會價值觀的改變,世界和各國國家的人口結構已由早期的高生育高死亡率轉變為低生育低死亡率的社會,臺灣也於2020年開始進入人口負成長,人口將由自然增加為自然減少。台灣正式進入了「生不如死」的年代,亦即是個出生率不如死亡率的世代。因著城鄉的差距,使得台灣由早期的大家庭共同居住生活,演變為年輕人必須離開家到城市工作,進而建立自己的家庭,家庭結構的改變,少子化、高齡老人化的衝擊下,老人們是否仍由年輕的家庭來照顧?還是邁入獨居或兩老的共同生活?退休後的養老經費是否已足夠?客家族群奉養態度又是如何? 此研究針對客家族群對於父母的奉養態度做質性研究之半結構式訪談,針對40歲以上至60歲的客家族群受訪者為對象,於西元2021年至2022年以何種形式的奉養來做探討。 研究的結論是以客家族群家庭觀之目的為始,隨著時代的演進,少子化的影響,客家族群奉養父母是家庭中每個子女所需公平負起的責任,也是一種較不易起糾紛的態度;客家女性於奉養父母會受道德驅使而更有效力,使得重男輕女觀念逐漸消逝;而父母的教養與行為具潛移默化的力量,這股力量的一部份便是客家精神。再者,客家子女奉養長輩態度方面,客家族群父母大都與子女同住,具有相互依存關係;子女在經濟上無需完全負擔父母的需求;年輕輩的客家人對未來年邁父母的醫療照顧是感到憂慮的,最後表示重質不重量的陪伴才是與父母最好的相處模式。對於客家族群來說,客家倫理精神的傳承是重要的,子女於父母身上所接收到的倫理意識及父母與子女間關係的建立,會影響子女日後願意交流的陪伴時間與奉養態度。 關鍵詞:客家族群、奉養態度、倫理文化、少子化、高齡老人化zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study in the attitude of supporting the groups of elderly of the Hakka people in South Taoyuan. Abstract The duration of the influence in city modernisation, new technologies were coming with the advanced civilisation of the society , in view of the improvement of the medical services and the changeover value stand point of the society, all countries around the world have noted the high death and birth rates in the earlier stages and the contrast nowadays. Negative process of population growing has also been noted in Taiwan since 2020. The natural birth population rate was reduced. Taiwan will come in to the 「rather death」 era. That’s the era of death rate higher than the birth rate. The difference between the city and the rural area leading to the disbanding of big family system, the younger people have to leave their homes for the cities to make their independent living . Since the family structural was changed, would it be necessarily for the young family to render support to the elderly people? Or, just to let the elderly /old couple live alone ? Is the retirement funds suffice the need of the elderly people? The study aims on the semi-structured interview of the qualitative research on the attitude of the Hakka ethic ,between the age 40 to 60, in supporting of their parents and how they rendered their support to them during the year of 2021 to 2022. The conclusion of the study started on the target of their families’ stand point. As time goes by, to avoid any conflict, the rare young generations of the Hakka ethnic have to contribute their responsibilities equally towards their parents. According to the moral behaviour, female persons of the Hakka family are usually put more effort in supporting their parents; so that the status of males and females persons in their family are becoming equalise. The act and education of the parents, would influence their children from time to time. This is the powerful part of the spirit of the Hakka ethnic. Furthermore, most of the children of the Hakka ethnic are live with their parents. They usually rely on each other. So that they don’t need to render full economic support for their parents. The young ones worry about the medical care of their parents when they are getting older. At last, they alleged that frequent visit to their parents is the best relationship mode. As for the Hakka ethnic, the most important thing is the succession of their Hakka moral spirit . The parents’ education on the sense of moral spirit influences the establishment of their relationships, further communication and the attitude of their supporting. Keywrods:Hakka ethnic, The attitude of supporting the elderly, Moral culture, Low rate of birth, High rate of elders.en_US
DC.subjectHakka ethnicen_US
DC.subjectThe attitude of supporting the elderlyen_US
DC.subjectMoral cultureen_US
DC.subjectLow rate of birthen_US
DC.subjectHigh rate of eldersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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