博碩士論文 110155001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChien-Jen Shihen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣的社會型態是由一個移墾社會逐漸轉型為文治社會,在移墾的階段大多是重經濟而輕文教,所以豪強和經濟型的精英為社會領導階層的主體。但在宗族制度的發展演變,民間信仰的興旺整合,商業經濟的加速繁榮以及文教制度的興盛,逐漸形成了所謂的文治社會。經濟發展到達一定程度之後,各個仕紳階層陸續建立,對地方事務的決策和影響力,慢慢的產生了一些轉變,由豪強為主轉變為以地方菁英為中心的社會。 《臺灣列紳傳》是一本日治時期臺灣總督府於大正5年(西元1916年)刊行,介紹從明治29年(1896年)10月制訂〈臺灣紳章條規〉後,到大正5年(1916年)4月期間,受日本官方頒發紳章的臺灣仕紳的傳記。〈紳章〉頒發的對象為「凡士大夫居鄉而曾經官職科第者,並文學德行,名族富豪」。全書羅列共計1031位地方菁英的傳記及人頭照。是一本了解清末日治初年臺灣社會不可或缺的史料。凡被羅列至《臺灣列紳傳》中之地方仕紳自然在當代臺灣社會具有舉足輕重之地位,為地方之耆宿也。本研究將就位列《臺灣列紳傳》第一位仕紳黃玉階的生平與一生所為之事,來探討當代仕紳與臺灣社會之關聯與影響。 黃玉階,彰化縣大肚中堡五叉港(今臺中梧棲)人,清道光30年(西元 1850年)4月25日生,卒於大正7年(1918年)8月10日。字蓂華,道號運輝,別號瀛洲散人,為臺灣齋教先天派之耆老。1872年北上淡水傳道後定居於大稻埕日新町,生年歷經晚清與日治初年,享年69歲。清領時期參加過清法戰爭,獲頒五品軍功。多次參與診療臺灣疫病(霍亂、鼠疫等)流行事件。1901年領有「臺灣醫生免許證」第壹號證書,是日治時期大稻埕著名的醫者,並於多個官方及民間機構擔任要職。 黃於大稻埕創設臺北天然足會、斷髮不改裝會擔任會長,是推動臺灣近現代化運動重要推手。明治末大正初年擔任大稻埕區兼任大龍峒區區長,又於臺北監獄擔任教誨師,創設臺北免囚保護一新舍照護更生人。一生中參與諸多地方事務,舉凡學校教育、宗教慶典、宣揚政令、說善講道等皆有其身影。各地遇有災難、要建學校或地方建設皆慷慨解囊,獲總督府頒贈木杯獎勵無數。在推動現代化、秉除陋習、匡正社會風氣著力甚深。 大正4年(1915年)與辜顯榮、許廷光擔任臺灣人總代,參加大正天皇即位大典。明治30年(1897年)獲頒仕紳章,大正4年(1915年)頒瑞寶章授勳六等,為《臺灣列紳傳》首位介紹之當代仕紳。 大正7年(1918年)黃玉階因糖尿病最終於台北市至善堂離世。至善堂保存完整黃生前所著之醫典、書籍、日記、處方、手札等一手史料,對於探究黃之為人、信念、思想與生平,具有絕對重要的史料價值。 玉階先生往生後,瀛社創辦人謝汝銓,著《奎府樓詩草》中卷〈感舊篇〉詩云:「藥方神妙漢醫家,身是維摩不著花,掌握稻江區政柄,兄終弟及願紓奢」,用來對黃玉階的緬懷與追思。 黃玉階是一位臺灣史上非常重要卻被忽略的地方仕紳。他不但是位漢醫家也是位宗教家,更是臺灣近現代化的重要推手,但現在諸多被討論與知悉臺灣史人物當中,顯然少人認識與討論他。過去的研究當中有針對黃所為之社會參與進行探討,也有針對臺灣醫療公衛史所作之貢獻,或者在鸞堂齋堂等宗教研究中偶爾提起黃所做的重要事蹟,但鮮少有針對黃玉階一生對臺灣這片土地所為的貢獻進行綜合探討。 本研究將集結各方資料將黃玉階一生所為之事重新梳理,構建出黃玉階的人格特質與對臺灣社會的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan society structure has gradually transformed from migrant settlement into a civil society in the end of 19 century. During the settler phase, there was a greater emphasis on economic development over cultural education. These resulted that the elite class, primarily composed of wealthy and local tyrant individuals, becoming the main leadership in society. However, with the development and evolution of the clan system, the flourishing integration of folk beliefs, the accelerated prosperity of the commercial economy, and the flourishing of the cultural and educational system, a civil society gradually took shaped. After the economy reaches a certain level of development, various gentry classes gradually established and leaded in decision-making and influence over local affairs. This shift slowly transforms society from being dominated by powerful elites to local elites. "The Biographies of Taiwanese Gentry" is a book published by the Taiwan Governor′s Office in Taisho 5th (1916 AD). It introduces the biographies of Taiwanese gentry who were awarded gentry titles by the Japanese authorities from the establishment of the "The rule of Taiwanese Gentry Title" to April 1916. The award was issued to those who are gentlemen residing in the countryside and have held official positions or passed examinations, as well as those with literary accomplishments, moral integrity, and wealth. The entire book lists a total of 1,031 biographies and portraits of local elites. It is an indispensable historical source for understanding Taiwan society during the late Qing and early Japanese colonial periods. Huang Yujie, from Wuchagang in Dadu Zhongbao, Changhua County (now Wuchi, Taichung), was born on April 25, 1850(Daoguang 30, Qing era) and passed away on August 10, 1918( Taisho 7 Japanese era), alias Zenghua, with the Dao name Yunhui and another alias Ying zhou San ren. He is an elder of the Pre-Heaven Sect of the Zhaijiao in Taiwan. After preaching in Tamsui in 1872, he settled in Dadaocheng, Rixin Street. He lived through the late Qing Dynasty and the early years of Japanese rule, passing away at the age of 69. During the Qing Dynasty, he participated in the Sino-French War and was awarded the fifth-grade military merit. During his medical career, he repeatedly participated in the diagnosis and treatment of epidemic diseases in Taiwan (such as cholera, plague, etc.). In 1901, he held the first "Taiwan Medical License" certificate, becoming a renowned doctor in Dadaocheng during the Japanese colonial period, and served in key positions in various official and private organizations. Huang Yujie established the Taipei Natural Foot Association and served as the president of the Haircut Reform Association in Dadaocheng. He played a significant role in promoting Taiwan′s modernization movement. In the late Meiji and early Taisho periods, he served as the district chief of Dadaocheng and concurrently of Dalongdong. He also worked as a counselor at Taipei Prison, where he established a new shelter for the protection and rehabilitation of ex-offenders. In Meiji 30th (1897), he was awarded the Gentry title. In Taisho 4th (1915), he was appointed as the representative of the Taiwanese people, participated in the coronation ceremony of Emperor Taisho, and was awarded the Order of the Precious Crown, sixth class. He was the first contemporary gentleman introduced in " The Biographies of Taiwanese Gentry. In Taisho 7th (1918), he passed away at the Zhi Shan Hall in Taipei due to diabetes. The Zhi Shan Hall preserves primary historical materials such as medical texts, books, diaries, prescriptions, and letters authored by Huang Yujie which are of absolute historical value for exploring Huang′s character, beliefs, thoughts, and life. The founder of the Ying Society, Hsieh Ru-chuan, wrote a poem to remember him that says: "The prescription is marvelous and he is a master of Chinese medicine; Deeply understand the essence of Buddhism yet not flaunting it. Grasping the political power of the Da Jiang District, may the brothers fulfil the unfinished wish “. Huang Yujie is a very important yet overlooked local gentry in Taiwan′s history. He was not only a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner but also a religious figure, and he played a significant role in Taiwan′s modernization. Previous research has explored Huang Yujie′s social participation, his contributions to Taiwan′s public health, medicine and religion. This study will gather various data to reorganize and construct the personality traits of Huang Yujie and his impact on Taiwanese society throughout his life.en_US
DC.subjectHuang Yujieen_US
DC.subjectChinese medicineen_US
DC.subjectinfectious diseaseen_US
DC.subjectPre-Heaven Secten_US
DC.subjectTaiwanese gentryen_US
DC.subjectnatural foot hair-cut reformen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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