博碩士論文 110323042 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTai-Ching Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract目前石英晶圓上之微孔加工主要仍仰賴類似於半導體製程的微影技術,具有設備建置成本高與空間需求大,以及容易造成環境汙染等問題,本研究係採用超音波振動輔助應用於電化學放電加工石英晶圓陣列微孔,本實驗之工具電極採用自行製備之碳化鎢陣列電極,工具電極為2×2之方形陣列電極,每一支極針的尺寸為30×30μm,進行一系列加工參數之實驗,期望得到較佳的入、出口表面形貌及平均通孔孔徑符合目標尺寸精度80±8μm。本研究採用超音波振動輔助電化學放電加工時,藉由調整各項加工參數進行單因子參數實驗,探討各項加工參數如工作電壓、進給速度、脈衝週期、衝擊係數及超音波功率等級對於石英晶圓加工陣列微孔之品質特性影響,品質特性包括平均入、出口孔徑、通孔表面形貌、出口破片情況及平均電極尖端圓角化半徑。 採用超音波振動輔助進行電化學放電加工時,適當的超音波振動輔助能薄化包覆於電極表面之絕緣氣膜,使其變薄且均勻化,隨著氣膜厚度的減小,擊穿絕緣氣膜之臨界電壓隨之降低,使其擴孔量也隨之下降,可達到目標尺寸精度之要求,實驗結果顯示,利用超音波振動輔助電化學放電陣列微孔加工,能有效提升加工能力及改善試片破片之情形,在工作電壓44V、進給速度1μm/6 sec、脈衝週期30μs、衝擊係數30%及超音波段數level 1時,有較佳之入、出口表面形貌且無出口破片的情況,同時平均入、出口孔徑也能達成微孔尺寸精度80±8μm之目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe microhole machining of quartz wafers depends on photolithography techniques akin to those used in semiconductor fabrication. These methods present challenges due to high equipment setup costs, large space requirements, and environmental pollution risk. This research applies ultrasonic vibration assistance in electrochemical discharge machining to create an array of microholes on quartz wafers. In the experiments, a self-prepared tungsten carbide micro electrode array served as the tool electrode. This electrode was a 2 × 2 square array, with needles measuring 30 × 30 μm. A series of experiments was conducted to investigate the effects of various machining parameters including working voltage, feed rate, duration time, duty factor, and ultrasonic power level on the characteristics of the microholes array. The characteristics included average hole diameter, through-hole surface morphology, and average fillet radius of the electrode needles. The experimental objective was to achieve a through-hole diameter of 80 μm with accuracy of ±8 μm. During the electrochemical discharge machining, suitable ultrasonic vibrations can thin the insulating gas film coating on the electrode surface, resulting in a more uniform gas film. As the insulating gas film’s thickness decreased, so did the critical voltage needed for the electrochemical discharge machining , reducing the hole’s diameter expansion. The ultrasonic vibration assistance can enable the satisfaction of the dimensional accuracy requirement. The experimental results indicate that the ultrasonic vibration assistance can effectively improve the processing capacity and reduce the sample fragmentation. A working voltage of 44 V, feed rate of 1 μm/6 s, duration time 30 μs, duty factor 30%, and ultrasonic power level of 1 resulted in better inlet and outlet surface morphology, without outlet fragmentation. Moreover, the average diameters of the inlet and outlet were roughly 80 μm while meeting the through-hole diameter of 80 μm with accuracy of ±8 μm.en_US
DC.subjectElectrochemical discharge machiningen_US
DC.subjectUltrasonic vibration assisteden_US
DC.subjectQuartz waferen_US
DC.subjectArray electrodeen_US
DC.titleUltrasonic Vibration Assisted Electrochemical Discharge Machining of Quartz Wafer Micro-Hole Arraysen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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