博碩士論文 110325601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorAngela Louise Antonioen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract橋梁維護的優先順序通常根據橋梁構件的狀況來決定,而未考慮整體橋梁可能崩壞或倒塌的風險。目前,臺灣公路橋梁使用交通部(MOTC)所規定的DER&U方法進行檢測,檢測後由橋梁各個構件的D、E、R,與U值計算整體的橋梁狀況指標(Condition Index, CI)。然而,此方法的實施過程中存在諸多問題,例如:(1)橋梁狀況指標CI無法正確反應橋梁實際狀況之差異,具有相似CI值的橋梁其崩壞風險未必相同;(2)CI的計算是基於構件劣化情況的扣分機制,具大量橋梁構件的橋梁,其CI值相對會較低;(3)儘管所有D、E、R和U的檢測數據對於橋梁的整體狀況具有重要意義,但構件的U值仍然是目前維護優先順序的決定性因素。 因此,為了解決這些問題,本研究對不同國家使用的橋梁狀況指標(包括基於風險建立的指標)進行文獻回顧,參酌各國的檢測結果以及指標的建立方式,建立適合DER&U檢測方式的橋梁風險評估架構以計算橋梁的風險指標(Risk Index, RI)。本研究從台灣地區橋梁管理資訊系統(Taiwan Bridge Management System, TBMS)中隨機選擇的七種不同類型的橋梁,計算其CI和RI以驗證本研究之成果。結果顯示,重要構件劣化最嚴重的橋梁會具有最高的RI值,即維護優先順序為最高;而非重要性構件即便劣化嚴重該橋梁的RI值會較低,其維護優先順序亦較低。因此,本研究所建立的橋梁風險評估架構可凸顯整體橋梁可能的崩壞風險,可供橋梁管理機關於擬定橋梁維護優選排序決策時之參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe priority of bridge maintenance is usually determined based on the condition of bridge components, without considering the risk of collapse of the bridge. At present, Taiwan′s highway bridges use the DER&U method regulated by the Ministry of Communications (MOTC) for inspection, and the overall bridge condition index (CI) is calculated from the D, E, R and U values of each component of the bridge after inspection. However, there are many problems in the implementation of this method, such as: (1) the bridge condition index CI cannot correctly reflect the difference in the actual condition of the bridge, and the risk of collapse of bridges with similar CI values may not be the same; (2) the calculation of CI is based on a point-deduction mechanism of component deterioration, and the CI value of bridges with a large number of bridge components will be relatively low; (3) although all the detection data of D, E, R and U are important for the overall condition of the bridge, however, the U value of the component becomes the decisive factor in the current maintenance priority. Therefore, in order to solve these issues, this study reviews the bridge condition indexes (including risk-based indexes) used in different countries, and establishes a bridge risk assessment framework suitable for DER&U inspection methodology to calculate the risk index (RI) of bridges, taking into account their inspection results and establishment of indexes. In this study, seven different types of bridges were randomly selected from the Taiwan Bridge Management System (TBMS) to calculate their CI and RI to verify the results of this study. The results show that the bridge with the most deterioration of important components will have the highest RI value, that is, the maintenance priority will be the highest. Even if the non-critical component is severely deteriorated, the RI value of the bridge will be low, and its maintenance priority will be lower. Therefore, the bridge risk assessment framework established by this study can highlight the possible collapse risk of the overall bridge, which can be used as a reference for bridge management machines when formulating bridge maintenance priority decisions. en_US
DC.subjectbridge condition indexen_US
DC.subjectbridge risk indexen_US
DC.subjectbridge maintenance prioritizationen_US
DC.subjectDER&U methodologyen_US
DC.titleDevelopment of a Risk-based Maintenance Prioritization Framework for Taiwan Highway Bridgesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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