博碩士論文 110355016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYing-Hsuan Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討孕婦之身心理及社會需求,包含孕期適應、壓力問題,分析孕婦健康資訊需求及使用習慣,並進而從專案管理概念的角度,規劃孕期照護線上諮詢平台之功能架構並研擬該平台之長期營運模式,以探討孕期照護線上諮詢平台之可行性。 本研究研擬之孕期照護諮詢平台,其主要功能架構系統為孕期健康照護線上諮詢服務,分別有視訊、圖文模式,另外還有主題專欄、使用者經常性諮詢資料庫,以及關鍵字快速搜尋等。本研究並以問卷調查及訪談方式,了解平台營運組成結構的三大類型對象:使用者、孕期照護服務者、平台經營者,對於孕期照護諮詢平台功能及營運規劃的看法及建議。 研究結果顯示,使用者中有超過八成願意使用線上照護諮詢平台,七成以上願意付費使用線上圖文、視訊、語音諮詢提供符合需求的專業性及資訊時效性問題;擁有多年醫護經驗人員的孕期照護服務者,七成以上認同透過語音、圖文、視訊諮詢提供孕婦孕期照護諮詢的工作模式,近一半比例願意投入陪孕師工作;而平台經營業主認為此平台構成須具備明確的經營目標、簡易流暢的使用者體驗、精準的客群、認同孕期照護諮詢平台有其必要性,應可達永續經營之目標。綜上,本研究所規劃之孕期照護諮詢平台,在市場上具有相當優勢及發展性,極具可行性。 關鍵字:孕期照護、線上諮詢、孕期、諮詢平台、專案管理zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to explore the physical, psychological, and social needs of pregnant women, including their adaptation to pregnancy and stress issues. Additionally, it analyzes the demands for health information and usage habits among pregnant women. Furthermore, the study adopts the perspective of project management to plan the functional framework of an online pregnancy care consultation platform and devise a long-term operational model for the platform to investigate its feasibility. The proposed pregnancy care consultation platform′s main functional structure includes online consultation services for pregnancy health, available in both video and text formats, along with themed columns, a frequently consulted database, and a keyword quick search function. Through questionnaire surveys and interviews, the study seeks to understand the perspectives and suggestions of three key stakeholders involved in the platform′s operation: users, pregnancy care service providers, and platform operators, regarding the platform′s functionalities and operational planning. The research findings indicate that over eighty percent of users are willing to use the online care consultation platform, with over seventy percent willing to pay for online services, including text, video, and voice consultations for professional and timely information. Among pregnancy care service providers with extensive healthcare experience, over seventy percent agree with the work mode of providing pregnancy care consultations through voice, text, and video consultations, and nearly half of them are willing to engage in the role of accompanying midwives. Platform operators believe that the platform should possess clear business objectives, a user-friendly experience, accurate target audience, and they acknowledge the necessity of the pregnancy care consultation platform, which is likely to achieve sustainable operation. In conclusion, the proposed pregnancy care consultation platform demonstrates high feasibility with considerable advantages and development potential in the market. Keywords: pregnancy care, online consultation, pregnancy, consultation platform, project management.en_US
DC.title從專案管理角度探討建置孕期照護 諮詢平台可行性之研究zh_TW
DC.titleA Study on the Feasibility of Establishing a Pregnancy Care Consultation Platform from the Perspective of Project Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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