博碩士論文 110356019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來全球日漸走向綠色環保資源及永續發展為導向之新浪潮,由於人口增加、工業和經濟快速發展,所造成人類消費習慣改變、虛擬化….等等因素,造成天然能(資)源耗竭、氣候變遷、環境污染及廢棄物暴增的狀況,有關環境保護、天然能源再利用及降低溫室氣體排放,已儼然成為國際間最重要的議題。 水資源與氣候變遷的關係密不可分,氣候變遷會導致水循環紊亂,並進一步造成水資源的供需失衡,另一方面來自石化工業產生之化學物質亦是環境污染的最大來源,故珍惜水資源、降低水污染,提升廢污水處理的技術也就愈發重要。 本研究計畫以「廢水回收再利用」及「生物處理模組」為出發點,開發出「一鍋式」製程生物處理模組之技術。在實驗設計方法是以回收貢丸肉湯廢水 (Gongwan Broth Wastewater,GBW)投入微生物菌株配製成廢物培養基 (Microbial Waste Culture,MWC),再將微生物廢物培養基投入廢水處理廠,以處理廢水淨化水質後排放,以解決日趨加嚴的國家放流水標準。 經本計畫於實廠之模廠實驗結果:1.對於去除高油脂肉廢污泥之蛋白質平均水解效率分別是33.82 % (模廠)、57.28 % (實驗室)、胺基酸平均水解效率平均分別是11.15 % (模廠)、29.83 % (實驗室)及油脂去除效率平均 73.60 %。2. 計畫實施後112年3~8月對比計畫實施前111年3~8月之廢水量、藥品費及污泥產生量皆減少,降低處理成本:每噸廢水操作藥品費減少13.4 (元/噸)、每噸廢水污泥量減少1.51(公斤/噸) 及每月廢水排放量減少261 (噸/月)。3.利用回收的廢水當成底物,可替代商用昂貴的培養基,節省資源的浪費並開創新的能源,同時減少廢水排放量亦是減少環境的負荷。4.利用微生物酵素水解處理模式,改變污泥的性質,減少化學品使用量。5. 抑制與降低致病性、腐敗性微生物、寄生動植物之孳生,去除廠區腐臭味道,提昇環境品質。 本開發技術「一鍋式」製程生物處理模組,有效成功的利用微生物降解液體有機廢棄物為無毒增值產物,對於廢水的處理,僅以單一槽體即可操作,非常方便,且不產生二次污染,符合SDGs中的第6項-確保所有人都能享有水及衛生及其永續管理、第12項-確保永續的消費與生產模式,與五加二產業創新計畫中的循環經濟推動方案-能資源整合與產業共生,兼具環境永續與產業發展雙贏的目的相符合,本計畫實可為現今食品界廢水處理提供一種更佳的廢水處理方法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the world has gradually moved towards a new wave oriented towards green environmental resources and sustainable development. Due to the increase in population, rapid industrial and economic development, changes in human consumption habits, virtualization... and other factors, natural energy (resources) resources have Depletion, climate change, environmental pollution and the explosion of waste, environmental protection, natural energy reuse and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have become the most important issues internationally. Water resources are inextricably linked to climate change. Climate change will cause water circulation disorders and further cause an imbalance in the supply and demand of water resources. On the other hand, chemicals produced from the petrochemical industry are also the largest source of environmental pollution. Therefore, cherish water resources and reduce Water pollution has made it increasingly important to improve wastewater treatment technology. This research plan takes "wastewater recycling" and "biological treatment module" as the starting point to develop the technology of "one-pot" process biological treatment module. The experimental design method is to recycle Gongwan Broth Wastewater (GBW) and put microbial strains into the waste culture medium (Microbial Waste Culture, MWC), and then put the microbial waste culture culture into the wastewater treatment plant to treat the wastewater purification. The water quality is then discharged to meet the increasingly stringent national water discharge standards. The experimental results of this project in the actual mold factory: 1. For the removal of high-fat meat waste sludge, the average hydrolysis efficiency of protein is 33.82% (mold factory), 57.28% (laboratory), and the average hydrolysis efficiency of amino acids is respectively The averages are 11.15% (mold factory) and 29.83% (laboratory) respectively, and the average grease removal efficiency is 73.60%. 2. From March to August after the implementation of the plan, compared with March to August before the implementation of the plan, the amount of wastewater, pharmaceutical costs and sludge production were reduced, reducing treatment costs: the pharmaceutical cost per ton of wastewater operation was reduced by 13.4 ( dollar/ton), the amount of wastewater sludge per ton is reduced by 1.51 (kg/ton), and the monthly wastewater discharge is reduced by 261 (ton/month). 3. Using recycled wastewater as a substrate can replace expensive commercial culture media, saving resource waste and creating new energy sources. At the same time, it reduces wastewater discharge and reduces the load on the environment. 4. Use microbial enzyme hydrolysis treatment mode to change the properties of sludge and reduce the use of chemicals. 5. Inhibit and reduce the breeding of pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms, parasitic animals and plants, remove the rancid smell in the factory area, and improve environmental quality. The developed technology "one-pot" process biological treatment module effectively and successfully uses microorganisms to degrade liquid organic waste into non-toxic value-added products. For wastewater treatment, it can be operated with only a single tank, which is very convenient and does not produce Secondary pollution is in line with item 6 of the SDGs - ensuring that all people can enjoy water and sanitation and their sustainable management, item 12 - ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, and in line with the five plus two industry innovation plans. The circular economy promotion plan - energy resource integration and industrial symbiosis, is consistent with the win-win goals of environmental sustainability and industrial development. This plan can indeed provide a better wastewater treatment method for wastewater treatment in the current food industry.en_US
DC.subjectenzymatic hydrolysisen_US
DC.subjectbiological treatmenten_US
DC.titleTechnology Development for Hydrolysis of High-Fat Meat Waste Sludge using Microbial Enzymesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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