博碩士論文 110423044 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Hsuan Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著社群商務的普及,促使許多使用者紛紛從顧客角色轉變為賣家角色,進而開創個人的商業機會。然而,於角色轉換的過程中,個人賣家若欲從諸多同質競爭對手中脫穎而出,勢必需要建立有別於他人的競爭優勢。其中,如何培養自身良好的社群商務能力是極為重要的。過去社群商務文獻大多從顧客觀點探討不同因素如何影響個體之購買意願。儘管有少數文獻從賣家觀點出發,但僅是討論來自外在之社會支持或自身內在的銷售熱忱如何影響個人績效,相關研究仍相對甚少,更遑論探討個人賣家之社群商務能力的建立。為彌補上述研究缺口,以組織學習理論為基礎,本研究欲探討個人賣家如何經由探索性學習活動(即功能應用、機會發掘、知識增進)與利用性學習活動(即功能善用、商品調整、經驗預判)來提升社群商務能力,進而影響關係績效與銷售績效。 採用便利性抽樣法,我們透過電子問卷的方式來蒐集樣本資料,最終以 453 筆有效樣本資料進行結構方程模型的分析。研究結果顯示個人賣家之探索性學習活動的兩個面向(功能應用、知識增進)正向且顯著地影響其社群商務能力,但機會發掘與社群商務能力的關係卻是不顯著的。儘管利用性學習活動之功能善用與經驗預判兩個構面會影響個人賣家的社群商務能力,商品調整卻對社群商務能力沒有顯著的影響效果。此外,社群商務能力亦會正向且顯著地影響關係績效與銷售績效。本研究提供了一些管理意涵,並於學術上為社群商務領域帶來不同的見解和貢獻,同時也在實務上為個人賣家與平台管理者提出實際作法與建議,期望於銷售與策略制定上帶來參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs social commerce gains momentum, users are transitioning from being customers to becoming individual sellers, unveiling a realm of personal business opportunities. Amidst a multitude of homogeneous competitors, namely other individual sellers, individuals ought to differentiate themselves by establishing a distinctive competitive advantage. To achieve this, cultivating a robust social commerce capability is of utmost importance for individual sellers. While existing literature in social commerce primarily focuses on examining the influence of various factors on individual purchase intentions from the customer’s perspective, scant attention has been given to understanding the formation of social commerce capabilities specifically for individual sellers. This study aims to bridge this research gap by investigating the mechanisms that drive the development of individual sellers’ social commerce capabilities for individual sellers. Drawing inspiration from organizational learning theory, we explore the impact of both exploratory learning activities (such as functions application, opportunities discover, knowledge enhancement) and exploitative learning activities (including functions utilization, goods adjustment, experience judgement) on the establishment of social commerce capabilities. Additionally, we shed light on how these capabilities influence their relationship and sales performance, illuminating a comprehensive understanding of their journey towards achieving remarkable outcomes. The survey data from 453 individual sellers were collected through the convenience sampling method using electronic questionnaires. The collected data were then analyzed using partial least squares analysis. The findings showed that the pivotal role of two key components within exploratory learning activities—functions application and knowledge enhancement—which exhibited a significant and positive influence on the development of their social commerce capabilities. Similarly, functions utilization and experience judgement were found to have a notable impact on social commerce capabilities. However, both opportunities discover and goods adjustment did not manifest their anticipated effects on the social commerce capabilities. Furthermore, our study demonstrated the strong and positive association between social commerce capabilities and relationship performance as well as sales performance. By providing valuable insights and practical implications, this research contributes distinct perspectives to the existing social commerce literature, elevating the understanding and strategic management of this evolving field.en_US
DC.subjectSocial commerceen_US
DC.subjectIndividual sellersen_US
DC.subjectSocial commerce capabilitiesen_US
DC.subjectOrganizational learning theoryen_US
DC.subjectExploratory learningen_US
DC.subjectExploitative learningen_US
DC.titleThe development of individual sellers’ social commerce capability: An organizational learning theory perspectiveen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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