博碩士論文 110450009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChung-Pao Hoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract一般家庭只知道清洗冷氣機濾網甚至於沒有清洗過,在經常使用冷氣機的情況下如果沒有適當清洗,室內空氣持續循環就可能危害我們的健康,所以養成固定時間清洗冷氣機是有必要性的。為了要徹底清洗冷氣機可能找了冷氣清潔公司來清洗家中冷氣機,這個過程尤其在旺季的時候等待的時間特別長又花了一筆不小的開銷增加家庭的負擔,如果自己在家裡清洗自己的冷氣機使用簡單方便的工具跟清潔劑就可以為家庭減少一筆沒必要的開銷,經常清洗冷氣機室內空氣保持清新是每個家庭未來要養成習慣行為,好比洗洗衣機跟抽油煙機要固定做清潔的觀念一樣。 本研究旨在探討自助式冷氣清潔劑市場分析與行銷策略,分析其在市場中的競爭力與發展潛力。經過市場調查及分析,發現冷氣機清洗需求市場規模不斷擴大,而自助式冷氣清潔劑在市場中占有重要的位置,其發展潛力也非常大。因此,本研究提出一些策略,以提高自助式冷氣清洗劑的競爭力與市場占有率。 研究發現,氣候、經濟情況、人口結構以及疫情影響等因素對市場規模有顯著影響。此外,消費者對衛生和健康的關注度提高,也提高了自助式冷氣清潔劑使用清洗需求。本研究建議廠商透過促銷和有效行銷手法,例如電視新聞置入宣傳、網路平台百人體驗分享等,加強行銷自助式冷氣清潔劑的宣傳與銷售,提高產品的知名度,藉以促使家庭建立定期清潔冷氣機的習慣,開發產品潛在的市場需求,成功創造營收成長,為案例公司和其他提供類似產品的公司提供行銷組合和廣告策略。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGeneral households often only know to clean the air conditioner filters, or even neglect cleaning it altogether. If the air conditioner is frequently used without proper cleaning, the continuous circulation of indoor air can pose a risk to our health. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a regular cleaning schedule for the air conditioner. In order to thoroughly clean the air conditioners at home, people may hire an air conditioning cleaning company to clean them. This process can be particularly time-consuming and costly, especially during peak seasons. However, regularly cleaning the air conditioner to keep the indoor air fresh should become a habitual behavior for every household, just like having the concept of regular cleaning for washing machines and range hoods. By cleaning the air conditioner at home using simple and convenient tools and cleaning agents by family members, unnecessary expenses can be reduced for the family. This study aims to explore the market analysis and marketing strategy formulation for self-service air conditioner cleaning agents, analyzing their competitiveness and development potential in the market. The market research and analysis of the case study found that the demand for air conditioner cleaning in the market has been continuously expanding, and self-service air conditioner cleaning agents hold an important position in the market with significant development potential. Therefore, this study proposes strategies to enhance the competitiveness and market share of self-service air conditioner cleaning agents o9ffered by the case company. The study found that factors such as climate, economic conditions, demographic structure, and the impact of the pandemic have significant influences on the market demands. In addition, consumers′ increased concerns for hygiene and health have also raised the demand for air conditioner cleaning services. This study suggests the case company to strengthen the promotion and sales of self-service air conditioner cleaning agents through promotion and effective marketing techniques to meet the growing demand of consumers. Strategies for the marketing mix and advertising are provided for the case company and other companies offering similar products.en_US
DC.subjectAir conditioner cleaningen_US
DC.subjectSelf-service air conditioner cleaning agenten_US
DC.subjectMarketing strategyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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