博碩士論文 110456025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Ting, Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract半導體產業始於1950年代美國矽谷。直至二十一世紀的今日,半導體產業發展趨於成熟,使得5G及AI等智能科技快速發展,需求急遽增加,加上自近年受COVID-19疫情及中美貿易戰影響,致使全球半導體產業競爭愈來愈強,各國半導體產業為提升競爭力紛紛追求生產速度更快速、尺寸更小的晶片,然而這些都需要半導體設備的配合,故半導體產業的發展對於半導體設備產業有著直接且重大的影響。 台灣的半導體產業自1970年代由工研院主導建立第一條半導體製造產線開始,至今已成功發展結合設計、製造與封測的半導體垂直供應鏈,使台灣半導體產業在全球半導體市場佔有一席之地。正因為如此,近年吸引了多家跨國半導體設備供應商來台投資、設廠。而為了滿足半導體市場對於設備的需求,設備商選擇適合的供應商,使得設備符合品質、成本及交期的期待,成為半導體設備產業供應鏈重要的一環。因此,倘若半導體設備供應商能夠建立完善的供應商評選機制,有助其在競爭強烈的產業環境下脫穎而出。 本研究採用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process;AHP),針對半導體設備產業的「供應商評選」問題,進行供應商評選指標之權重分析評估。透過相關文獻參考篩選出適當的評選準則,並尋求專家的意見調查,以歸納出各項評選準則及屬性並分析其權重值,作為建構日後半導體設備產業「供應商評選」之依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe semiconductor industry originates from the Silicon Valley, United States in 1950s. As of today, the 21st century, the development of semiconductor industry has driven to a maturity stage, which makes the intelligent technology such as 5G and artificial intelligence grown rapidly. Furthermore, the global semiconductor industry has become more competitive due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and the U.S.-China trade war. In order to enhance the competitiveness, the global semiconductor industry is seeking for the production of smaller and faster chips; however, all these productions need to rely on semiconductor equipment. Therefore, the development of semiconductor industry has a direct and significant impact on semiconductor industry. The semiconductor industry in Taiwan has already developed a vertical semiconductor supply chain, which combined the design, manufacturing, packaging and testing since the ITRI led the first semiconductor manufacturing production line in 1970s, and makes Taiwan occupies a niche in global semiconductor industry. All the more reason, Taiwan has attracted investment from a lot of multinational semiconductor equipment manufacturers recently. In order to fulfill the demand of the equipment in the industry, supplier selection plays an important role in the semiconductor equipment supply chain, so that it is able to meet the expectation of quality, cost and delivery. Therefore, the manufacturer can stand out in the competitive industrial environment in case they establish a comprehensive supplier selection mechanism. The thesis uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process method to evaluate the weight of each criteria of the “supplier selection” issue for the semiconductor equipment industry. Summarizing the selection criteria and analyzing the weight of each criteria by sorting the appropriate criteria through the relevant literatures, and seek for the opinion from experts, as the basis of constructing the “supplier selection” issue for semiconductor industry in the future.en_US
DC.subjectSemiconductor Equipment Industryen_US
DC.subjectSupplier Selectionen_US
DC.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Processen_US
DC.titleOn the Supplier Evaluation and Selection of Semiconductor Equipment Industry Supplieren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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