博碩士論文 110554003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Ying Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在現今全球化的時代,英語已是國際間溝通必備的技能之一,而口說則被認為是最困難的語言技能。在傳統講授的英語教學模式,學習者缺乏練習口說的實踐環境,以致對英語口說產生焦慮,進而影響學習者與他人溝通的意願,因此需要更多英語口說練習管道,運用不同學習工具幫助學習者學習英語口說。 近期多有研究使用數位遊戲式學習進行英語口說教學,增加學習者的口說練習機會,使學習過程更加有趣,同時輔助學習者提高其學習動機及學習成效。而在DGBL的環境中,數位獎章機制所提供的獎章目標有助於提升學習者進行學習活動的意願,在追求獎章條件目標的過程中,讓學習者在達成不同目標時給予相對應的獎勵並獲得正面回饋,有效的使學習者更沉浸於學習活動。雖然多數文獻顯示獎章有激勵學習者持續進行學習的效果,但是獎章也不一定完全有效,其可能會在時間的推移下減弱並失去吸引力,為了讓獎章機制能被視為正面的獎勵,有些研究開始使用不可預期獎章增加驚喜感,以提高學習者的興趣。另外,也有少部分研究提到在可預期獎章中加入些許不可預期獎章,整合兩種獎章的特點,利用可預期獎章引導學習者目標設定,加入不可預期獎章給予驚喜,激發學習者的好奇心、激勵學習及探索,避免學習者為獲獎章而學習,同時輔助學習者達到目標並提高學習成效。另外參考McGuire and Kampf(2015)所提出「元獎章(Metabadges)」概念,於數位獎章系統中新增獲取條件較高的不可預期複數任務獎章機制,於學習者獲得不同任務條件獎章時給予,並在設計上考量合併增量「子獎章(sub-badges)」提高不可預期獎章難度級別及驚喜感,學習者於同時達成2項可預期獎章任務的條件而獲得獎章後,才算完成複數任務獎章目標,讓學習者展示更複雜的學習及遊戲技能,激勵並進一步引導實現進階學習目標。 然而並不是所有學習者皆適合數位遊戲式學習機制,因為個體差異會影響學習者在學習過程中的各種表現,因此還要再考慮學習者的個體差異,而焦慮是影響外語學習成效的一個重要因素,因為焦慮可能是學生拒絕外語的一個因素。過去探討英語焦慮相關研究,多著重於探討對學習者焦慮的影響,很少有研究將焦慮設為自變項,考慮在數位遊戲式學習的背景下檢查學習者焦慮的個體差異,因此本研究開發結合英語口說的線上角色扮演之遊戲式學習系統「傳奇島冒險」,結合可預期加不可預期獎章及複數任務獎章的元素,探討在融入不可預期獎章機制的遊戲式英語口說學習環境中,其對不同英語焦慮程度學習者的學習成效、遊戲成效、溝通意願及行為模式之影響及各變項之相關性。 本研究共有70名學習者,依據學習者填寫的外語課堂焦慮量表結果平均數,將學習者分成高英語焦慮程度39人及低英語焦慮程度31人,研究工具包含英語口說能力測驗、外語課堂焦慮量表、溝通意願量表及系統記錄檔。根據本研究的實驗結果表明,在融入不可預期獎章機制的遊戲式英語口說學習環境下,不同英語焦慮程度學習者的影響,主要發現有以下五點:(1)在英語口說學習成效方面,不同英語焦慮程度學習者在使用融入不可預期獎章機制的英語口說學習系統後,皆有顯著進步;而從組間的比較來看,在例句前測方面,低英語焦慮學習者顯著優於高英語焦慮學習者,但是後測及進步分數方面,皆沒有出現顯著的差異。(2)在遊戲成效方面,由於低英語焦慮學習者本身的英語能力較高,因此在遊戲成效中學習類以及與學習類相關的部分都是低英語焦慮學習者優於高英語焦慮學習者,例如學習類的挑戰任務完成數量及準確率達90%的次數等、遊戲類的等級、獎章類的隱藏獎章數量及獎章總數等。(3)在溝通意願方面,兩組學習者在使用完英語口說學習系統後,皆呈現顯著的進步,而從組間的比較來看,低英語焦慮學習者使用本系統前、後,其溝通意願大於高英語焦慮學習者,但高英語焦慮學習者溝通意願之進步幅度大於低英語焦慮學習者。(4)在行為模式方面,兩個組別的行為轉移大致上相同,行為轉移總數也差不多,其中高焦慮學習者較多學習類行為轉移,低焦慮學習者較多是輔助類行為轉移。(5)在相關性分析方面,在學習成效上與不同英語焦慮程度學習者呈現正相關,但是在溝通意願上,高英語焦慮學習者的溝通意願與學習成效呈現正相關,而低英語焦慮學習者的溝通意願與學習成效呈現無顯著的相關性。 本研究的結果有助於在數位遊戲式學習結合英語口說學習及加入不可預期獎章機制的研究者在探討不同英語焦慮程度學習者上,提供了未來研究的方向,此外,本研究開發的系統,也可以提供給未來教學者應用不同獎章機制於不同的教學環境中。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this era of globalization, English has become one of essential skills for International Communication, and speaking is considered the most difficult skill. In the traditional English teaching model, learners lack a practical environment to practice speaking, which leads to anxiety about speaking English, which in turn affects learners’ willingness to communicate with others. Therefore, more English-speaking practice channels and the use of different learning tools are needed. In recent years many studies have used digital game-based learning to teach English speaking, increasing opportunities for learners practice speaking, making the learning process more interesting, and assisting learners to improve their learning motivation and learning effectiveness. In a digital game-based learning environment, the badge goals provided by the digital badge mechanism help enhance learners′ willingness to engage in learning activities. In the process of pursuing badge condition goals, learners can be given corresponding rewards when achieving different goals. Rewards and positive feedback can effectively make learners more immersed in learning activities. Although most literature shows that badge have the effect of motivating learners to continue learning, badges are not necessarily completely effective. They may weaken and lose their appeal over time. For the badge mechanism to be considered as a positive reinforcement, some research is beginning to use unexpected badges to add a sense of surprise to increase learners’ interest. Furthermore, a few studies have mentioned adding some unexpected badges to the expected badges, integrating the characteristics of the two badges, using the expected badges to conduct learners in goal setting, and adding unexpected badges to give surprises and stimulate learners′ curiosity, learning and exploration, prevent learners from studying for the sake of winning badges, and at the same time assist learners to achieve their goals and improve learning effectiveness. In addition, referring to the concept of "Metabadges" proposed by McGuire and Kampf (2015), a new unexpected multiple task badges mechanism with higher obtain conditions is added to the digital badge system, which is given to learners when they obtain badges with different task conditions, and the design considers incorporating incremental "sub-badges" to increase the difficulty level and sense of surprise of unexpected badges. Learners can only complete multiple task badges after completing the conditions of two expected badges tasks at the same time and receiving badges. Goals allow learners to demonstrate more complex learning and gaming skills, motivating and guiding them to achieve advanced learning goals. However, not all learners are suitable for digital game-based learning mechanisms, because individual differences will affect learners’ performances in the learning process. Therefore, individual differences of learners must be considered, and anxiety is one of the important factors that affects the effectiveness of foreign language learning, because anxiety may be a factor of students rejecting foreign languages. In the past, studies related to English anxiety have mostly focused on exploring the impact on learners’ anxiety. Few studies have set anxiety as an independent variable and considered examining individual differences in learners’ anxiety in the context of digital game-based learning. Therefore, this study develops a game-based learning system "Legendary Island Adventure" that combines online role-playing with English speaking. It combines the elements of expected and unexpected badges and multiple task badges to explore the use of game-based English speaking learning environments that incorporate the unexpected badges mechanism, its impact on the learning performance, game performance, willingness to communicate and behavioral patterns of learners with different English anxiety levels and the correlation of each variable. There were 70 learners in this study. Based on the average results of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale filled out by the learners, the learners were divided into 39 learners with high English anxiety and 31 learners with low English anxiety. The research tools included English speaking ability test, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, Willingness to Communicate Scale and system log files. According to the experimental results of this study, the main findings of the impact of learners with different levels of English anxiety in a game-based English speaking learning environment that incorporates the unexpected badges mechanism are as follows: (1) In terms of the effectiveness of English speaking learning , learners with different levels of English anxiety had made significant progress after using the English speaking learning system that incorporates the unexpected badges mechanism; and from the comparison between groups, in the pre-test of example sentences, learners with low English anxiety were significantly better than learners with high English anxiety, but there was no significant difference in the post-test and progress scores. (2) In terms of game effectiveness, since low English anxiety learners had higher English proficiency, in the game effectiveness of the learning category and the learning-related parts, low English anxiety learners were better than high English anxiety learners. For example, the number of completed learning challenge tasks and the number of times with an accuracy reach 90%, the game level, the number of hidden badges and the total number of badges in the badges category, etc. (3) In terms of willingness to communicate, both groups of learners showed significant progress after using the English-speaking learning system. From the comparison between the groups, the learners with low English anxiety before and after using the system showed significant improvement, the willingness to communicate was greater than learners with high English anxiety, but the improvement in communication willingness of learners with high English anxiety was greater than that of learners with low English anxiety. (4) In terms of behavior patterns, the behavior transfers of the two groups were roughly the same, and the total number of behavior transfers is also similar, high-anxiety learners had more learning-type behavior transfers, and low-anxiety learners had more auxiliary behavior transfers. (5) In terms of correlation analysis, there was a positive correlation between learning effectiveness and learners with different levels of English anxiety. However, in terms of willingness to communicate, there was a positive correlation between the communication willingness of high English anxiety learners and learning effectiveness, while for low English anxiety learners there was no significant correlation between the learners′ willingness to communicate and learning effectiveness. The results of this study will be helpful for researchers who combine digital game-based learning with English speaking learning and add unexpected badges mechanisms to explore learners with different levels of English anxiety and provide future research directions. In addition, the system developed in this study can also be provided for future teachers to apply different badges mechanisms in different teaching environments.en_US
DC.subjectdigital game-based learningen_US
DC.subjectdigital badge mechanismsen_US
DC.subjectdigital game-based English-speaking learningen_US
DC.subjectunexpected badgeen_US
DC.subjectforeign language anxietyen_US
DC.subjectEnglish-speaking performanceen_US
DC.subjectgaming performanceen_US
DC.subjectwillingness to communicateen_US
DC.subjectbehavioral patternen_US
DC.titleExploring the Effects of Learners with Different English Anxiety Levels on Learning Performance, Gaming Performance, Willingness to Communicate and Behavior Patterns in a Digital Game-based Learning with Unexpected Digital Badge Mechanismsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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