博碩士論文 110754017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Han Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對於任何國家而言,海關在邊境執法係為展現主權的象徵之一。對於自國外進口的貨物而言,無論是藉由空運、陸運、海運或旅客攜帶等方式進口,抑或是身份是否為本國人或外國人,只要所進口的貨物或攜帶的行李物品,具有違反該國的法律規定的可能性時,均為任何國家海關發動緝私檢查的目的之一,以防止走私物進入國內所衍生之侵害,俾利維護國內社會安全及國家利益。 我國海關緝私條例為查緝走私物的主要規定,其查緝方式主要為檢查及搜索。然而,查緝方式之發動要件究竟是否能夠有效達成國家利益,抑或是干預憲法所保障人民之基本權(如人身自由、財產權、居住自由權及隱私權等)甚大,進而使國家權力與人民基本權之間產生利益衝突。因此,國家利益與人民利益之間又應如何權衡,為本論文擬探討的問題。 本論文研究係以美國法院對於邊境檢查的實務觀點為基礎,來觀察我國海關緝私檢查可能面臨的問題,透過美國法院判決對於憲法增修條文第四條(Fourth Amendment)的詮釋,以了解美國海關執法的理論基礎,並據以探究憲法增修條文第四條對於搜索境內客體,以「相當理由」(probable cause)及其「令狀」(warrants)之保護,為何搜索邊境之客體無法適用,以作為觀察我國海關緝私檢查之基石。以及援引美國法院之實務見解,針對我國海關緝私檢查提出相關檢討及修法建議,以作為我國立法機關的參考方向。若未來我國發生與緝私檢查相關憲法上之爭議時,亦期盼能夠提供憲法法庭作為判決時的參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Customs enforcement at the border is one of the symbols of a country’s sovereignty. One of the purposes for a country’s Customs to activate an investigation is to prevent the infringement caused by contraband goods. In the case of imported goods, no matter whether the methods they were imported (by air, land transportation, maritime or carried by passengers) or the nationality of the importers, every country’s Customs would launch an anti-smuggling inspection as long as those goods are deemed might be illicit. The Customs Anti-smuggling Act is the principal regulation of the suppression of smuggling in our country, which defines inspections and searches as the main methods of investigation. However, whether launching an investigation could effectively achieve national interests or interfere with people′s fundamental rights under the Constitution, such as personal freedom, property rights, freedom of residence, privacy rights and so on. It might lead to the conflict of interests between the national power and people′s fundamental rights. Therefore, how to striking a balance between the interests of the nation and the people is the topic to be discussed in this study. This study is based on the perspective of United States Courts on border inspections to observe the questions that Taiwan Customs may face in practice. Through the interpretation of the Fourth Amendment by the United States Courts, we can understand the theoretical basis of enforcement of the United States Customs and the reason why the protection on the search for internal objects by “probable cause” and “warrants” could not be applied at the border. This study cites the perspectives of the United States Courts to provide relevant reviews and suggestions for legislation on the anti-smuggling inspections conducted by Taiwan Customs. If a conflict between the anti-smuggling inspections and the Constitution occurs in the future, hoping this study could be used for reference in the Constitutional Court.en_US
DC.titleThe Study on Anti-Smuggling Inspections of Taiwan Customs-Based on the Perspective of United States Courtsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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